Socrates: Where are you ? Millman: Here............ Socrates: What time is it ? Millman: Now.......... Socrates: What are you ? Millman: This moment.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Trading Success Can Only Come from Loving to Lose Small and Win Big
Losing conjures up feelings of failure and pain, and since most human beings would rather avoid those two experiences, it's no surprise that anything dealing with these emotions would have very little appeal to the masses.
Now, on the other hand, if there were a promotion on how to trade with zero risk, great profit potential, and hardly any work, there wouldn't be a venue large enough to hold all the attendees. In reality, most of us know that no such thing exists (as much as we'd wish it did). This brings us to the reality of trading.
In class, I like to draw upon many analogies; one of my favorites when discussing the psychology of trading is to liken a trader to a boxer: A trader who hates, or fears, losing is akin to a boxer who feels similarly about taking punches. This, let's refer to him as the timid boxer, is the pugilist who always has his elbows close to his body, and his hands covering his face. Always on the defensive, this fellow rarely throws a jab as he is always on his heels. He's the one that's always clinching, hoping to stem the onslaught of punches being hurled at him. There's a commonly used quote in boxing: The clinch can keep you from losing, but it can't make you a winner.
The parallels in these two areas of endeavor are striking. For example, a trader must accept small losses, just as a boxer must know how to take a punch. However, neither one must let their guard down because just one blow to the chin (one big loss) could mean "game over." Likewise, the skilled boxer dodges and weaves, taking a few innocuous punches, until he sees an opening to strike his opponent where the most damage can be inflicted. A trader, in the same fashion, will incur those modest losses until he nails the trade that reaches his target.
The usual victor in a fighting match, or in any competition for that matter, is the one who can sense their opponent's weakness, and then exploit it. In boxing, it's referred to as the "killer instinct" or "going for the jugular." This occurs when you see a boxer backed into a corner, and the aggressor does not let up on his assault, until either the referee stops the fight with a technical knockout, or the timid boxer ends up supine on the canvas. This can also be seen in other professional sports like a football game in which one team has a fourth-and–goal, the winning team usually goes for the touchdown in that scenario. Meanwhile, the team playing "conservatively" settles for a field goal. I find that aggravating to see.
In the day trading arena, this goes on every day - the difference is that in trading, most of the beatings are self-imposed.
Put another way: Winners play to "win," as opposed to "not to lose." When a trader begins to love to take small losses, then, and only then, can he/she begin to play to win. Those of you that have been reading Lessons from the Pros for a while probably have read comparable themes from me or other writers at Online Trading Academy. Nonetheless, some subjects bear repeating, and this is one of them.
I believe the only way to begin embracing the losing aspect of trading is to gain the skill that will enable you to compete. I always tell my students, "The successful traders that I'm acquainted with are some of the smartest people I know and that's who you will be competing with." I also tell them that in my many years of trading I've only known two types of traders - traders that have lost money, and traders that are going to lose money. The difference between the survivors and the ones that have gone by the wayside is in how they've reacted to their losses and the size of those losses.
All told, fortify your mind to withstand the inevitable losses that will come from trading, just as the boxer will have to strengthen his abdominal muscles to better-defend against the inevitable body blows. If you find yourself being one of those who trade "not to lose," then I challenge you to change your way of thinking. Perhaps a more constructive way to view trading is to believe that small losses are simply the price to be paid for being a consistent winner in the markets. So ask yourself, do you really want to be a winner?
Losing To Win
Losing Battles …
Every trader worth his or her salt knows that trading against the trend is not a good idea. So it seems logical that the best trading systems would be those that follow the trend: when the trend is going up, take long trades only, and when it's going down, it's time to go short. That being said, you'd think that trend-following systems would have the best win/loss ratios, right?
In his book, "A Short Course in Technical Trading", Perry Kaufman offers some sobering statistics on the matter. According to this veteran program-trading expert and author, "You can expect 6 or 7 out of 10 trend trades to be losses, some small some a little larger." And yet, Kaufman says that trend-following systems are some of the best trading systems around. In other words, trend-following systems won't yield huge profits, but they'll still do better than most systems.
It will probably come as a shock to those who have spent countless hours searching for a winning system, but Kaufman makes it absolutely clear in his book that having realistic win/loss expectations means expecting losses - lots of them. He states, "As a trend trader, you should expect mostly small losses, some small profits, and a few large profits."
If it gets across this point alone,"A Short Course" is a worthwhile addition to your library. Kaufman provides an example to demonstrate a phenomenon traders in the game for the long haul have come to learn the hard way:
"In a normal distribution of 1,000 coin tosses, half of them would be single runs of heads or tails. Half of those, 25%, would be a sequence of either two heads or two tails. Half of the remaining, 12.5%, would be sequences of three in a row, and so on. Therefore, in 1,000 coin tosses, you can expect only one run of 10 heads or tails in a row."
In other words, in 1,000 trading days - or about four years - a trader could expect to experience 10 wins (or losses) in a row only once, that is, if trading were as random (normally distributed) as a series of coin tosses, which it is not.
So, your odds of winning with trend-following systems are better than your odds of winning a series of random coin tosses, but there are other challenges to having more winning than losing trades. Although markets are not random, you can still expect short-term random movements within a trend, major reversals at the end of each trend, and the time lag most trend-following systems experience when getting into and out of the market.
As a result, thanks to lags and unexpected short-term random movements, you are still subject to the effects of randomness. Given enough time, an experienced trader can expect to suffer 10 or more losses in a row. It is not a matter of if, but when.
When asked about realistic trading expectations, Thomas Stridsman, author of "Trading Systems That Work" and "Trading Systems and Money Management", had this to say:
"What is more important than how large your winning trade is when you win, or how many winners or losers you might have in a row. It is the mathematical expectancy of your strategy. That is, how much are you likely to win on average on all trades, winners and losers combined, and how much this value is likely to fluctuate in the short term.
"For an even further increase of peace of mind, you also probably are better off looking at profitable time periods, such as weeks or months, rather than profitable trades. Simply looking at a win/loss ratio is not enough."
If you think that doing either more or fewer trades would be a more successful strategy, think again. Kaufman demonstrates in "Short Course" that the more trades the trader performs, the lower his or her profits over the long haul. On average, longer-term trades generate more eventual profits. However, if you're a long-term trader, your risk of getting one or more big losses is increased, since you are in the markets longer and therefore exposed to risk for more prolonged periods. Bottom line, no matter what your trading style or preferred time in a trade, you will lose and lose big on more than one occasion.
Kaufman has the data to back up his claims. He has performed thousands of tests on various systems, and some of these are presented in Short Course. In one example, he tested Microsoft for 10 years ending Jan 2001 and covering a period when the stock moved from a pre-split price of $1.04 to a high of $60 in Dec 1999. It should be pretty easy to beat the odds following that kind of trend, right?
Using an 80-day moving average during the period to generate buys and sells the system, trading both long and short positions, generated a total of 88 trades. Of these, only 36 trades - or 41% - were profitable. And Kaufman comments in the book that "[t]hat's actually good for a trend system, which often has closer to 35% good trades".
These depressing stats are echoed by John Murphy in his book, "Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets". Murphy says that professional traders, on average, experience losing trades about 60% of the time. In other words, they win only about 40% of the trades they enter. Given the grim facts, rookie traders may wonder how it's possible to make money in the markets. All of this begs the question: how can a system that has more losing than winning trades be profitable?
…While Winning the War
Let's look at an example of a system that does very well in a relatively short period, but falters over time. I ran a number of tests to determine if using commercial commodity traders' net positions - published each week by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the Commitment of Traders (COT) reports - was useful in trading an index. Tests were performed for the period of 1999 through 2003 using the S&P 500 Index futures and results were impressive.
Using a five- and 22-week simple moving average of commercial traders' positions, buying each time the five-period SMA crossed above the 22-period SMA and selling when it crossed below, the strategy earned 804 points. Contrast this to a loss of 245 points for a buy-and-hold strategy during the four-and-a-half-year period between Feb 12, 1999, and Oct 3, 2003. If we assume the trader traded one S&P 500 e-mini contract with a margin (risk) of $1,800, the profit would have been more than $40,000 after commissions. Out of a total of 12 trades, seven were profitable - that's a win/loss ratio of 58%.
The same tests were performed for the 13-year period from Feb 16, 1990, through Oct 31, 2003. Results were far less impressive. The system returned a total of 555 points, whereas a buy and hold over the same period returned 696 points. Our win/loss ratio also dropped: only 26 out of 55 trades were profitable, giving a ratio of 47%. Not only was the system not nearly as impressive over the longer period, but it was also significantly outperformed by a simple buy-and-hold strategy.
The moral of the story? Whenever you see claims that systems generate outstanding returns over short periods, remember that such statistics are worthless without looking at the bigger picture. Even worse, these claims often create unrealistic expectations in the mind of the new trader who takes them at face value.
Stridsman explains how to compare a trading system to a buy-and-hold strategy:
"The trick here is to analyze the system for its effective time spent in the market. For example, if a system is in the market only 50 percent of the time, you can put on twice as many contracts each time the system enters into a trade, as compared to what you would have in a buy-and-hold situation over the entire period to achieve the same amount of contract hours spent in the market. Looked at this way, in the 50 percent case the profits made per contract traded should be at least half that of the constant-contract, buy-and-hold strategy. Proper money management also allows you to increase the number of contracts traded as your equity grows, whereas a buy-and-hold strategy doesn't give you the same flexibility."
When you approach trading with the assumption that there will be more losing than winning trades, your primary focus shifts dramatically. Instead of spending inordinate amounts of time buying, testing and discarding systems that fail to meet your unrealistic expectations of 70 to 80% (or more) wins to losses, you can concentrate your efforts in the more important but far less sexy area of money management.
On average, traders spend at least 10 times more time and effort on seeking the magic formula for trading than on learning to manage the trade. This is obvious if you compare the number of trading signal systems available to the number of money management systems available. The same is true for best-selling trading books. When was the last time you saw a best-seller that concentrated on money management? This may explain why so few traders actually graduate to the point of being consistent in the trading game.
Since a large number of professional traders experience more losing than winning trades, learning how to lose is essential to making it as a trader. Furthermore, an effective money management program is absolutely necessary to a trader's survival and long-term profitability. A key part of any money management program is having an effective trading plan and sticking to it. (For more on constructing a trading plan, see the article Ten Steps to Building a Winning Trading Plan.)
Consider what veteran trader and market teacher Larry Williams said in a 2004 e-mail: "Since losses are an integral part of this game, a strategy is as essential as the proper attitude. All jobs have good days and bad days so deal with it. There are no 100% certain trades."
Looking for a system that will win 80% of the time or more is a fool's game. Those who adopt a hope-for-the-best-but-plan-for-the-worst mentality and concentrate their efforts on far more important issues will set themselves up for long-term success. It is the difference between taking a short-term view to win a few battles at any cost and marshaling resources in the battles you lose to ultimately win the war.
If you're serious about getting a handle on this topic, check out the books by Kaufman discussed in this article. You will also find Thomas Stridsman's book, "Trading Systems and Money Management", a worthwhile read for its detailed discussion of win/loss ratios, realistic expectations for various trading systems, and money management strategies. Consider it a reading assignment with potentially big dividends!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Using ratios to assess my financial position
Here are some ratios to use which I have classified them accordingly:
1) Solvency
Purpose - indicates the probability that an individual will become bankrupt
Equation - net worth / total assets
Implication - the higher the ratio, the stronger is my financial position
Warning bell - negative = insolvent
2) Liquidity
Purpose - measures my ability to pay off the short-term liabilities
Equation - current (liquid) assets / current liabilities
Implication - the higher the ratio, the stronger is my current financial situation
Warning bell - lower than 1.0
3) Savings
Purpose - measures the proportion of my income saved in a year
Equation - cash surplus / total annual income
Implication - 40% of my net earned income which should translate to higher ratio
Warning bell - negative = over-spending (except for one-off, big-ticket items)
4) Debt Service
Purpose - measures my ability to service loan payment in a prompt and timely fashion
Equation - total annual cash loan payment / total annual income
Implication - the smaller the ratio, the better is my ability to service the loans
Warning bell - more than 0.4 = too highly leveraged
5) Gearing
Purpose - measures how much leverage I have undertaken to acquire my assets
Equation - long-term liabilities / total assets
Implication - the higher the ratio, the higher the probability of bankruptcy
Warning bell - current cash flow can't pay off monthly loan repayment
For myself, I use the ratios monthly when I consolidate my personal financial figures (of income, expenditure, cash budget etc.)
But I do make it a point as not to get too disappointed should one of the ratios fall below the benchmark due to specific circumstances. Otherwise, we will be living in a highly regulated personal system that literally adds more stress, just like a pressure-cooker.
My objective is to keep within the framework as much as I can while focusing on my financial targets. My achievements are documented when I exceed my expectation.
How about you? Did you try the ratios? If not, go on....take 15 minutes break and do a quick calculation. See the results personally.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Acid Reflux Diet Plan
I have split up this acid reflux diet into two parts: foods you will want to avoid as well as foods to add to your diet to reduce your heartburn.
Acid Reflux Diet - Foods to Avoid
Carbonated Beverages
Mints (both Peppermint and Spearmint - can include things like toothpaste - so keep an eye out for mints)
Citrus (though some people report lemons actually reduce heartburn)
Tomatoes (includes things like salsas and spaghetti/marinara sauce count here!)
Spicy foods (any sort of hot food)
Coffee (including decaf)
High-fat foods
Dairy (of all sorts; casein (a type of milk protein) and lactose can cause a lot of people digestive distress)
To reiterate the previous point, a lot of the foods on this acid reflux diet plan are individual; some people for example may tolerate tomatoes but be unable to have mints, or vice versa. You will have to try this out for yourself to see which particular foods are problematic for you.
While these foods are a good starting place, you can get more in-depth acid reflux diet plan in Heartburn No More, which you can check out by clicking here.
Acid Reflux Diet - Foods Good for Reflux
While some foods you will definitely want to avoid on your acid reflux diet plan, there are foods that may help you out. The benefits of the foods listed here include helping improve digestion as well as reducing the damage acid reflux inflicts.
With that said, here is a list of foods you can include on your acid reflux diet plan:
Papaya - Papaya contains papain, which is an enzyme that helps digest protein (also called a protease). This can reduce reflux and be especially beneficial for people who use acid-reducers.
Pineapple - Pineapple is rich in bromelain, another protease which benefits digestion in the same way as papaya.
Protein - any protein-rich food can increase the pressure exerted by the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscle band which helps seal off the stomach), stopping heartburn cold. Protein rich meals for this reason are very good for those suffering from reflux.
Good sources of protein include lean animal meats as well as even protein powders or other supplements. Sometimes fatty meats can help contribute to heartburn, so stick to leaner sources of protein on your acid reflux diet, such as chicken breasts and fish.
Fiber - People who eat high fiber diets have been shown to suffer less esophageal damage than their low-fiber counterparts. Many foods are rich in fiber, but some good sources include non-starchy vegetables and fruits (particularly berries).
By adding some tropical fruits like papaya and pineapple to a protein and fiber-rich diet can really help reduce heartburn as well as improve your overall health!
Acid Reflux Diet and Breakfast
However, breakfast is also the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps stabilize your blood sugar levels after sleeping, and provides energy to start the day. It has also been shown that people who skip breakfast will eat more throughout the day. And what is one of the biggest problems for acid reflux and heartburn – eating fewer and larger meals, as that is shown to cause and/or make your problems worse. Deleting breakfast from your acid reflux diet is not a heartburn remedy.
Acid Reflux And Life Style
Preventing acid reflux and heartburn is going to entail making lifestyle changes. You eat breakfast, and then what happens? That overnight heartburn that you may have already had, coupled with the food that you just ate for breakfast [you just couldn’t resist ‘wolfing’ down that Egg McMuffin while you were driving] get together and give you more reflux and worse heartburn. Start your day with more energy, not hardly; you are starting your day in pain, and just want to go turn around and go home. But instead, there goes another round of antacids to try to keep you going.
How is that for breakfast and an acid reflux diet – acid reflux trigger foods ‘washed’ down with antacids to try and get rid of the heartburn pain. Lunch and dinner tend to be easier meals for heartburn sufferers. You have a wider range of food choices that are more appealing later in the day than they are for breakfast.
And you also aren’t in such a rush, giving you more time to prepare a good meal – and not having to eat it so fast, which of course is one of the heartburn don’ts.
Yes, acid reflux diet and breakfast is quite a problem, because so many of the breakfast food choices cause heartburn. Your fried eggs, with toast and butter, and orange juice and coffee – or that rush through the fast food restaurant, are of the worst foods that can be eaten. These can be expected to cause heartburn, certainly negating the benefits that eating breakfast are supposed to give you.
Breakfast Food Choices For Acid Reflux
So what are you going to do – you need to eat breakfast, but you aren’t going to do so if it is only going to make you feel worse. To begin with, how about getting up 15 minutes earlier so you aren’t in such a rush and fast food becomes your only breakfast alternative. And then, how about if you quit brain washing yourself into thinking that you need caffeine to get going? I remember my old routine, get up and skip breakfast except for 2-3 cups of coffee, have a diet coke at my desk, and then eat tums throughout the morning – I have chipped teeth from tums.
There are many acid reflux diet food choices for breakfast that don’t take much time to prepare, and that can actually help to reduce reflux and heartburn instead of causing it. And you can adapt to some changes in food choices that will help you even more – you really don’t need to eat that last piece of cold pizza for breakfast to keep it from going to waste.
Good food choices will include whole-grains, fruits and vegetables, and protein – just like any well balance healthy meal. In fact, that is one of the major benefits of an acid reflux diet, besides helping prevent or getting rid of heartburn, it is also a diet that promotes good health.
Whole grain breakfast food choices can be found in oatmeal, whole grain cereals, or whole grain breads. These are important for your acid reflux diet. They have fiber which makes them easier to digest, they don’t require as much acid during digestion, and actually they break down during digestion in a way that can absorb excess acid.
Additionally, whole grains include the antioxidant selenium, which has been shown to help protect the cell lining in the esophagus.
Fruits and vegetables are great for breakfast – what could be better than starting the day with an apple, or eating some fruit on your whole grain cereal. Just remember to stay away from the citrus fruits or juices, and especially no tomato juice as it is very highly acidic. Drink natural apple or grape juice as something that helps reduce acid. And if you can eat pizza and drink coke for breakfast, then you sure could get used to eating some broccoli – or how about some steamed broccoli with some egg whites.
Protein is an important food choice. It makes you feel more full and thus can help prevent overeating. And protein is the food source that helps build and repair muscles – this could include strengthening the muscles associated with your esophagus. As in all acid reflux diets, make sure that your proteins are low in fat content, because fat takes longer to digest and needs more acid to do so, thus increasing the likelihood of reflux heart burn. This means skim milk instead of whole milk, egg whites instead of the whole egg – and no more of that bacon or the fatty meats and fried foods in those breakfast sandwiches.
Breakfast And Lifestyle Changes
My lifestyle has changed the last few years; I was gaining weight as I was getting older, and I had heartburn that became acid reflux disease. Besides making some very big acid reflux diet changes, it now includes going to the gym in the morning before starting work. So, breakfast is very important to me after working out, but I also lose some extra time that I could have had for eating.
I eat a banana on the way to the gym, which helps settle my stomach. And then for breakfast I want a lot of protein, and to be sure that I have a relatively high protein to carbohydrate ratio; I want energy and not a spike in my blood sugar level. I usually drink a vanilla protein powder shake, and eat a cup of Greek yogurt [it is low fat and has extra protein], and an apple – delicious.
I feel very good throughout the morning, and with no more coffee and diet cokes to ‘help’ me through – if I want something else to eat, I have another apple. Breakfast is very important to our health, and you have lots of food choices that not only won’t cause heartburn, but can actually help control it. But like in the case of all acid reflux diet choices, there are tradeoffs and lifestyle changes to be made to get rid of heartburn, and to get health benefits from what we eat –vs- eating in a way that makes heartburn become worse, and even have it lead to acid reflux disease.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Will Wednesday's 5% Surge Kick Off a Year-End Rally?
Wednesday's surge was impressive. A quick thumbnail technical analysis allows for only one conclusion: Stocks will rally further.
The Dow soared nearly 500 points, the S&P and Nasdaq finished up 4.2% and small caps led the charge with a 5.8% gain. The VIX is 27% lower today than on November 1.
Trading volume on the NYSE clocked in at 1.66 billion, over 60% above the 10-day average. Up volume accounted for 97% of that day's trading. Assuming that this rally has further to go seems like a slam-dunk.
But a little bit of perspective is never bad. We saw a similar price and volume surge on October 27 when the S&P pushed as high as 1,293, and the Dow as high as 12,284. NYSE trading volume that day was almost 40% above the 10-day average.
The October 27 explosion lifted 94.5% of stocks above their 10-day average while Wednesday's squirt propelled 93.6%, but (and that's a big but) stocks tumbled more than 10% following the October 27 performance (more about what that means in a moment).
High Probability Profits
When it comes to trading, it's all about identifying high probability entry or exit points. There are always new trading opportunities, but the best opportunities are those where all stars (indicators) are aligned for a profitable trade.
The three best indicators, in my humble opinion, are a composite of technicals (support/resistance levels, Fibonacci analysis, trend lines, patterns, buy/sell signals, etc.), sentiment and seasonality. A high probability trade sees all three indicators pointing in the same direction.
Along with a few minor setups, we've gotten two major high probability signals this year. A sell signal in May and a buy signal in October.
In April, the S&P was closing in on major technical resistance, investor sentiment was outright bullish (which is bearish from a contrarian point of view) and seasonality was turning bearish (sell in May and go away).
The April 15 ETF Profit Strategy Newsletter warned that: 'A major secondary market top is forming. It would simplify our forecast if the S&P would be able to reach the ideal 1,369 - 1,382 target for a major secondary market top before the summer doldrums.' The S&P topped on May 2 at 1,371. The rest is history.
Exactly the opposite was true at the October lows. The September 23 ETF Profit Strategy Newsletter provided this outlook: 'From its May high at 1,370 to its eventual low, the S&P will likely have lost about 300 points (22%). This kind of move validates a counter trend rally. Any drop below 1,088 may mark the end of the 2011 bear market leg. Such a drop may be only on an intraday basis.'
The S&P exploded 20% from its 1,075 intraday low on October 4 to its 1,293 high on October 27.
It's A Bit Murky
Based on a number of technical indicators and patterns (such as the 2008 decline), stocks were supposed to decline thereafter. Sentiment was also bullish enough not to prevent any further declines.
Seasonality however didn't agree. Pre-election year strength and a seasonally strong November/December/early January pointed towards higher prices.
A developing triangle in November also could have led to a breakout to the up side, but it didn't. I stated in the November 18 ETF Profit Strategy Newsletter that: 'Due to bullish November, December and early January seasonality, I would have preferred a bullish triangle breakout. This would have kept prices afloat for another few weeks, sparked further enthusiasm and ultimately aligned 'the stars' for a nasty January decline. Seasonality remains an issue, so we'll look to profit from lower prices but we'll be cautious and won't buck the trend if stocks decide to rally past important resistance levels.'
Courtesy of the Wednesday rally, we are above those resistance levels now and won't buck the up side trend.
But not bucking it doesn't mean we can't try to figure out what stocks will do next.
Short-Term Outlook
At the onset of the article I compared Wednesday's seemingly bullish spike with the October 27 spike, which turned out bearish (see chart below).
I don't want to make a big deal out of a sample size of one, but it will take some follow through buying to get excited about Wednesday's bounce, at least over the short-term.
The technical picture remains long and mid-term bearish even if we get enough buyers rushing in. Additionally, the bullish seasonality won't last too much longer and higher prices will turn sentiment bullish, which will be bearish for stocks.
Despite the possibility of higher prices, I believe that the next big profit opportunity will be to go short. The key is to get the right entry point and not prematurely swing the bat before the ball is thrown.
Friday, November 4, 2011
How to Use the Stochastic Oscillator to Trade in Volatile Markets
Unless you've been on Mars, you know that in 2008 the stock market became a lot more volatile than it has been in recent history. In fact, 2008 was the 3rd most volatile year in stock market history, with the other two coming in the 1930s during the Great Depression.
And this volatility has created all kinds of problems for investors, big problems like trillions in wealth being erased for asset allocators and "buy and hold" investors and even problems for active traders who are supposed to be able to trade these kinds of markets.
Of course the problem for active traders is that the volatility has rendered many of their trusty tools null and void. The magnitude and speed of the directional changes in volatile markets invalidates many indicators like moving average crossovers, RSI and the like, which are just too slow to respond to fast moving markets.
And the result is that active traders have been whipsawed by the market's gyrations and too many times found themselves on the wrong side of the move, looking in "the rear view mirror" instead of trying to look out at the road ahead.
So what's a trader to do?
I spent several weeks asking myself that very question as I found many of my indicators coming up short. And my questioning led to a review of all 14 indicators I use. Of those, which have been tried and true through all kinds of market conditions, one stood out as being truly outstanding and reliable. And that indicator is, drum roll please... Full Stochastic.
Now you might be disappointed that such a well known indicator has proven to be so effective in recent volatile markets, but don't be. I don't know about you, but I'll take all the help I can get to remain profitable when only a small percentage of money managers, newsletter writers and active traders have been able to do that during the brutal bear market we've experienced.
A Little Background
The Stochastic Oscillator was developed by George Lane in the 1950s and is a momentum indicator that shows the current closing price relative to the high/low range of a defined period, the most common of which is 14 days.
There are three types of Stochastic: Fast, Slow and Full. We don't have room to get into a full discussion of how these are calculated but suffice to say there are two lines that crossover each other to generate buy/sell signals and two ranges to indicate overbought or oversold.
In my work, I use the Full Stochastic Oscillator that uses the two previous mentioned lines plus an additional parameter to smooth out the momentum indicator. In the chart below, we can see the overbought range which is above 80 and the oversold range which is 20 or below.
The red line crossing over the black also generates buy and sell signals but these can be subject to whipsaws and in my view aren't reliable by themselves. The best signals, in my view, resembles the one in the S&P chart below at the beginning of 2009 when the black line crossed over the red, the lines turned down and broke through the 80 level in a sharp descent just before the steep decline of early 2009 began in earnest.
Now looking at real time in the daily chart of the S&P 500 above, we see that the full stochastic is at oversold levels (near or below 20) and that the lines are flattening out, indicating a sideways trend with the line oscillating between buy and sell; in other words a market with no commitment to move up or down.
So this would tell us that on the daily, the S&P 500 is oversold and trending sideways to down and this is confirmed by the MACD at the bottom also trending downward and on a "sell signal."
Next let's take a look at the same chart on the same day but on the weekly stochastic.
Here we see a slightly different story, with the stochastic lines in a mid position but on a definite sell signal with the black line crossing below the red and starting to curve down. This takes a longer term view and confirms the daily picture except for the MACD below indicating a contradictory signal with a weekly uptrend underway.
So, what can we make of this situation?
The S&P 500 has started an up move but still remains at much oversold levels and now is moving sideways. And on the candlestick chart, you can see that it has been in a 200 point trading range since October, 2008. An astute trader would be watching for an imminent up move because the weekly MACD is on a "buy" signal and the daily stochastic appears ready to make a turn up from much oversold levels.
In volatile markets, the daily indicator tends to be the most useful and reliable, but I always look for confirmation from other indicators like the weekly stochastic and MACD and where the stochastic is relative to the overbought and oversold zones.
When several of these indicators line up and point the same way, up or down, and the lines are moving out of one of the extreme zones, a reliable signal is underway and the trader can execute his move with a high degree of confidence in the outcome.
The nicest thing about the stochastic is that it can keep up with fast moving, volatile, trading range markets and offer the active trader a useful tool when other indicators have failed.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
有點像 08至09年
首先希臘的公投問題反映 出歐盟之方案,並沒有做好溝通,德國及法國只希望尋找自身利益,但從來沒有考慮方案之可行性,所以希臘的「反抗」十分正常,而且這只是一個開始,因為當葡萄牙、愛爾蘭,甚至意大利等國,考慮到歐盟對希臘的削債方案,根本未能有效解決希臘的財政問題,而希臘債券孳息仍然可以急速上升,那麼一旦歐盟要求債券持有人,對自己的國債進行削債計劃時,最終換來的可能是反效果,這些國家亦會開始考慮,是否應該接受歐盟之建議。
3年前金融海嘯,收到一位 88歲老伯伯來信,信中滿載悲觀情緒,原因是他手上的股票大幅貶值,當時讀了來信後,我在《蘋果日報》公開給這位老伯伯提點意見,及後,負責管理他所住屋邨的慈善機構,邀請我到該屋邨演說,我見到這位老伯伯, 88歲的老伯伯,笑起來像小孩子。
昨日,《蘋果日報》編輯部轉來一封信,原來是這位老伯伯寫的,老伯伯現在 91歲,仍健康快樂的生活,對投資依然有很濃的興趣,他在信中提起「曾氏通道」,他希望《蘋果日報》每星期刊登一次「曾氏通道」,不過我認為不可行。
《蘋果日報》版位很緊張很珍貴,不可能每星期撥出位置刊登「曾氏通道」,因此,我只能做不定期地向大家報告最新的情況,實際上我自己很忙,也不常查看「曾氏通道」,還記得 2008年 10月底,我是在「曾氏通道」見底後的第 3天,才因為有讀者來信通知我,說他發現「曾氏通道」已經見底了,問我是不是可以入市時,我方知「曾氏通道」已經見底;事實上,這是一個不錯的入市訊號。
昨日,我翻查最新的「曾氏通道」,發現上個月恒指一度非常接近「曾氏通道」的 95%悲觀線,然後反彈,算不上見底,但非常接近見底,非常接近見底或見底的意義,就是非常股市中悲觀氣氛太濃了,股價已經非常超值。
現在,恒指已經從低位反彈 4000點,昨日才出現一次比較像樣的調整,因此,已經很久沒有在《蘋果日報》旗下「港股王」出現的我,昨午就在「港股王」建議大家,不妨趁昨午的調整入市。目前,市場的悲觀氣氛依然濃厚,我翻了幾份報章,多數評論都在說歐債危機依然嚴重,仍未解決。
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Use Time Wisely to Change Your Life
Time. I am writing this as I'm listening to a time management lecture by Randy Pausch, the guy who essentially wrote, "The Last Lecture" (Jeff Zaslow really wrote it, but it was based on the lecture by Randy Pausch). Great book... I definitely recommend it. Anyways, time. Time is ticking by right now. Sometimes it goes by so fast and sometimes it feels so slow. Why is that?
I also love the book Stargirl and Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. In Stargirl, there is this quote that always stuck with me...
“Nobody has the time. The time cannot be owned. Time is free to everyone!”
If you really think about it, time is the one thing we have that is always free, always there. Time never stops and always keeps going. Whether you want it to go slower, or faster, need more... it remains the same. Concurrently, we don't know how much of it we will have in our lives. Even if you receive a death sentence, a doctor cannot tell you the specific day in which you will die and your time here will cease.
In my opinion, here are the most important things that we need to remember as it pertains to time, or the management of it. If you leave with one thing, remember that even the smallest action, taking the shortest amount of time, can have great consequences.
- Get organized.
Okay, okay, I do work at a place named Organize-It, I've compulsively made my bed every day since I was 5 years old, and everyone knows how neat I am. But still, I think it is important to everyone. Think about a time when you couldn't do something because you couldn't find it. I strongly believe you will get a lot more work done if you just take the time to put things in order first. - Get the bad stuff done first.
Okay, I am definitely bad at this one sometimes. Jot down a to-do list and get done that dreaded homework, head off to work, or clean your room before you go out and have fun. I'd guarantee you might have more time to do the things you like if you get the other stuff done first. In addition, you won't be mulling over the dreaded tasks that you've been procrastinating! - Think about what you're doing right now.
Surfing the web mindlessly? Watching TV? Anything else you could be doing that would be more productive or more satisfying? I strongly believe you need your downtime so don't freak out claiming that I believe we all need to keep our heads down working. However, I know I spend more time doing 'down things' than I really need to. - I think a lot of people waste time being mad.
Don't hold grudges; argue and fix it. Spend lots of loving time with the people you love. You don't know how long you might have with them. - "Failing to plan is planning to fail."
Plan your day, plan your life, and plan to leave room for days or minutes when you have nothing at all planned to do.
"Dost thou love life? Then waste not time; for time is the stuff that life is made of."
Sunday, September 11, 2011
There’s Not Enough Time in the Day
That is a phrase that I hear often and has often come out of my own lips in regards to Jesus. I’ve heard: I don’t have enough time to pray, or to read my Bible, or to preach the Gospel, or on and on. But when you really think about it, it’s not that we don’t have enough time, it’s that we don’t make the time. Because we always have time, it’s just how we choose to spend our time. So the question is-how are you spending your time? Do you spend more time at school, hanging out with friends, watching tv, listening to music, or working out than you do with the Lord? I bring this issue up because the Lord has convicted me of it in my own life. I recently began to work out more (we’ll see how long it lasts) and I realized that if I spend an hour working out every day to improve my physical condition, than I better be spending at least an hour every day giving the Lord time to work on my spiritual condition.
So be honest with yourself. How many things do you prioritize before the Lord? What is always more important so that you don’t have time to read the Bible or pray except at Bible study or on Sunday? Remember that Jesus says you can’t serve two masters, you either love Him and hate the world or you love the world and hate Him.
Do you truly love Jesus every moment of every day? Because loving Jesus means giving your life completely to Him in every way; especially when it comes to your time.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Most Anabolic Meal of the Day: Post Workout Eating
Alright, you've probably heard and read many times before the importance of a post workout meal, and if you haven't, where have you been? The post workout meal is one of the most important meals for any bodybuilder, this is where you give the body the nutrients, protein and carbs it needs to rebuild muscle tissue and manipulate hormone levels for optimum growth, if you miss this meal that stuff isn't there and you've just wasted an hour in the gym.
Post workout nutrition is important no matter what a persons goals are, whether it is to lose weight, gain mass or just maintain your current body weight. So let's discuss why it is a crucial part of your training diet.
Why After Excercise?
Working out whether it's running, lifting weights, or playing sports burns energy and this energy comes from glycogen which is stored in the bodies liver and broken down into glucose which gives you that energy you just burned off. Therefore you need glycogen to boost your workouts, how do you get glycogen? From eating carbohydrates of course. There are lots of different types of carbs as well, some have more or less glycogen then others, to see which ones those are you should refer to the Glycemic Index of foods. That is why people see a decrease in performance when they are on reduced carb diets, their body simply does not have the same amount of energy as it did when they were carb loaded.
But carbs are not the only post workout food you need, there's also the importance of protein. Your muscles grow from a process called protein synthesis, and for this protein synthesis your body needs protein which contains nutrients and amino acids which are very important for that process. It's also important to get protein after your workout so your body is not catabolizing itself and breaking down proteins from your own muscles, which is the opposite of what anyone wants.
On a hormonal level this meal is also very important, meaning that if you eat the right balance of protein and carbohydrates post workout you can manipulate these hormones naturally for an increase in growth hormone and insulin. Growth hormone and insulin are both vital hormones that help the body to grow, so what does this mean? It means if you eat right, you get big muscles.
Why am I mentioning all this on the focus of post workout meals? It's simple, everything I just mentioned is increased, a window of oppurtunity some call it, the first 2 hours after you exercise. That's 2 hours of time, long enough for anyone, so there's no excuse, to get that food in them and watch their body grow and recover.
What do I Need?
Alright, so now you know why you should this after your workouts, let's take a look at what you should use to efficiently do this. Remember I mentioned the glycemic index? Well now's your chance to use it, the first thing you need is a carbohydrate that is high on the glycemic index to spike your natural insulin levels, your glycogen levels are depleted after working out, that's why this is ok to do, I wouldn't suggest eating high GI foods when your glycogen levels are full, this might cause a negative reaction, meaning your body will store the excess as fat. Why insulin? Because insulin is a protein hormone that is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids (amino acids) and proteins. Having a high level of insulin, the reason why you want to eat a high GI carb, is because it slows down the decrease in amino acids and keeps your nitrogen balance at the positive level instead of the negative, which is usually the case post workout.
Since your muscles are breaking down during a workout it is not abnormal to see a negative nitrogen balance, so to get yourself into the positive nitrogen balance it is important to properly eat post workout or else you'll stay in that catabolic negative nitrogen balance state. Since this balance can only be achieved by cosuming protein it's not enough to just have carbs post workout. So make sure your meal or drink has protein in it aswell, remember you need both for this natural growth to occur. So find yourself a good, fast digesting protein such as whey isolate and a high GI carbohydrate, consume it after your workout, having both of them present will ensure your muscles grow.
There's also other things to consider as well, mainly free-form amino acids which you won't find in whole proteins, most you will get from whey isolate, but one you won't find in your whey isolate and the one we're going to look at is Leucine. Taking this single amino acid post workout has been shown in some studies to increase skeletal muscle growth, aren't you relieved to hear that you don't have to take all of the amino acids?
In recent studies it's been shown that Leucine supplementation was directly responsible for stimulating recovery of muscle protein synthesis and wasn't completly dependent on insulin levels alone. That means taking Leucine with a high GI carb will only enhance recovery further. It's that easy, remember there are people doing the research for us, it's up to us to read about it and use it to our advantage. There isn't an excuse for not educating yourself.
In fact Leucine is so important that one study reported that the anabolic effects of a mixture amino acids can be recreated from taking just one BCAA (branched chain amino acid) leucine on its own.
There's more, although if you're taking a whey isolate after your workouts, which has glutamine in it already, it doesn't hurt to take an additional dose of this amino because excercise will lower your glutamine levels. Glutamine may not be responsible for any muscle growth, but on terms of recovery and health studies have shown that having a base level of glutamine can enhance your immune system, therefore preventing illness and infections.
How Much Should I take?
Ok so you know what you need and how to get it, but how much of everything should you take. A recovery drink post workout is not completly neccessary it's just a suggestion. So if you don't have the money or you don't have the time, don't worry, it's not the end all, it was just suggested.
As far as protein and carbohydrate intake there seems to be some controversy in the ratios. Some studies show a 2:1 ration, some 3:1, and some 4:1, which means for you might be taking only 1g of protein for either 2, 3, or 4 grams of carbs. Which one is right for you? Well that is up to your own disgretion, if you're a more muscular person you may need more protein, so a 2:1 ratio would be good. If you're trying to lose weight that ratio might be good for you as well, it's dependent on the person really.
Studies have also given us enough research to know that the right amount of Leucine to take is approximately 3 grams , and the amount for glutmaine is 5 grams to be most effective. If you eat a real food meal post workout it's up to you to figure out which foods contain these nutrients, or you could supplement one and get the other from real food, it doesn't matter how you get them just as long as you do.
It's also recommended that you do not comsume fat or fibre in this post workout meal because they will slow down the absorption of everything and you may miss that anabolic window. And as I mentioned before, high glycemic foods should only be taken during post workout meals, but don't avoid carbs all together trhoughout the day, eat whole grain foods which are low on the glycemic index.
If you can manage to get this right for your post workout meal then I see no reason you shouldn't grow, at least as far as nutrition is concerned. So don't let any workout go wasted, don't skip on your post workout meal cause it may prove to be the most anabolic meal you eat each day. But most of all you should enjoy eathing this way, cause not only will it result in more muscle, but it will also result in good health.
The Anabolic Window For Muscle Growth
In fact, the hour before training and the 3 hours after training will play a critical role in your success or failure at building muscle. This is the most productive window of time for nutritional enhancement.
From the time I've spent in the gym as a personal trainer, I can honestly say that most people don't reach their goals for one reason: they don't know how to eat to maximize muscle growth.
And the fastest way to start packing on muscle mass and increasing strength is to take advantage of the anabolic window of opportunity before and after weight training.
First, you can reduce the effects of muscle tissue breakdown by providing your body with protein about a half hour before training. The combo of amino acids and glutamine from this protein source can help provide the muscles with the nutrients it needs, so it doesn't have to get them from breaking down muscle tissue.
If you fail to provide your body with the nutrients it needs after training, it attacks muscle tissue in order to get these nutrients. It's called catabolism, the opposite of anabolism (muscle building).
Also, intense training depletes energy and nutrients that are stored in the muscles, which is why you want to replace these nutrients right after training. Your muscles are like sponges after training and will take in more nutrients after a workout than any other time.
Now, the nutrients you want after a workout are those that will help trigger muscle growth.
When you eat the right kinds of foods after intense training, your body is in a prime state to release muscle building hormones like testosterone, insulin, growth hormone, and cortisol.
High blood insulin levels increase protein synthesis in your muscles by up to 50%. Weight training can stimulate protein synthesis up to 100% and amino acids taken after a weight training workout can increase muscle building by 150%.
But the best thing is, taking in amino acids right after a heavy, intense weight training workout can stimulate protein synthesis by up to 200%!
That's why it's important to take a protein and carb combination right after training. It can be through whole food or you can use protein shakes mixed with juice or Gatorade.
You can also add some creatine and glutamine at this point as well.
About 2 hours after training, it's good to have a whole food meal. This will give your body more nutrients to stop any chance of muscle tissue breakdown.
Finally, 3 hours after training, take a meal replacement shake to continuously replenish lost glycogen stores, replace energy nutrients, and preserve the lean muscle tissue.
So, a total of 1 small protein and carb-rich meal about a half hour before training and then 3 meals within the 3 hour time period after training.
The combination of these will ensure your body is kept in a muscle building anabolic state throughout your workout and well after.
Try it and see how it's possible to gain 15, even 20 pounds of muscle growth within 3 months of using this muscle building tip.
'Thou' corresponds to 'I/you/he/she'. (Nominative)
'Thee' corresponds to 'me/you/him/her'. (Accusative)
'Thy' corresponds to 'my/your/his/her'. (Possessive)
'Thine' -- 'mine/yours/his/hers'.
It's an archaic form, and its status was similar to the French vous/tu. At one time, it was the formal form, but became the familiar form around Shakespeare's time.
As for the archaic plural form...
Nominative / Accusative / Possessive
Ye (or you) / you / your, yours
Understanding Pre-Market and After-Hours Stock Trading
Getting a Leg Up on the Competition
The U.S. Stock Market is open for business for six-and-a-half hours---from 9:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m. ET---nearly every business day, and it draws crowds of thousands upon thousands of investors as soon as the opening bell rings. Wall Street is crowded during normal trading hours, but some investors are finding a less crowded space to trade in: the pre-market and after-hours stock trading sessions.
That''s you will see in the Pre-Market and After-Hours Stock Trading video, you can actually trade before the market opens in the morning, and you can keep on trading once the market has closed in the afternoon. Of course, the playing field is a little different during off-market trading hours than it is when the full stock market is open, but we''ll cover that.
After-Hours Stock Trading
As its name suggests, after-hours stock trading occurs after the regular stock market hours---9:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m. ET---are over. After-hours stock trading takes place between the hours of 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. ET.
But why would you want to trade stocks in the after-hours trading session?
According to Chris Concannon, an executive VP in the Transaction Services Group at NASDAQ, "Many companies report earnings either before the market opens or after the market closes. The intrinsic value of a stock is constantly moving whether the market is open or not, and people want to access the market when the intrinsic value is changing."
Pre-Market Stock Trading
As its name suggests, pre-market stock trading occurs before the stock market opens up for its regular hours of trading at 9:30 a.m ET. Pre-market stock trading takes place between the hours of 4:00 to 9:30 a.m. ET.
Investors like to trade in the pre-market session for the same reason they like to trade in the after-hours trading session...they want to get a leg up on the competition by reacting quickly to news announcements that occur when the regular market is closed.
Risks of Trading After Hours and Pre-Market
All investing involves risk, but the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) outlines the following eight risks that are specifically associated with trading in the after-hours and pre-market sessions:
1. Inability to see or act upon quotes: Some firms only allow investors to view quotes from the one trading system the firm uses for after-hours trading. Check with your broker to see which firms quotes you will be able to see and off of which quotes you will be able to trade.
2. Lack of liquidity: During regular trading hours, buyers and sellers of most stocks can trade readily with one another. During after-hours, there may be less trading volume for some stocks, making it more difficult to execute some of your trades.
3. Larger quote spreads: Less trading activity could also mean wider spreads between the bid and ask prices. As a result, you may find it more difficult to get your order executed or to get as favorable a price as you could have during regular market hours.
4. Price volatility: For stocks with limited trading activity, you may find greater price fluctuations than you would have seen during regular trading hours.
5. Uncertain prices: The prices of some stocks traded during the after-hours session may not reflect the prices of those stocks during regular hours, either at the end of the regular trading session or upon the opening of regular trading the next business day. This means that even if a stock price rises in after-hours trading, it may fall right back down when regular trading opens again and the rest of the market gets to cast its vote on the price of the stock.
6. Bias toward limit orders: Many electronic trading systems currently accept only limit orders in the pre-market and after-hours sessions. Limit orders may cause you to miss out on having a trade filled.
7. Competition with professional traders: Many of the after-hours traders are professionals with large institutions, such as mutual funds, who may have access to more information than individual investors.
8. Computer delays: As with online trading, you may encounter during after-hours delays or failures in getting your order executed, including orders to cancel or change your trades.
Conclusion: Understanding Pre-Market and After-Hours Stock Trading
If you are looking for an edge in your stock trading, placing trades in the pre-market and/or after-hours trading sessions may be a great place to start. Just remember that there are additional risks you need to be aware of.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Build Up Your Self-Confidence
God to Joshua: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."1
According to Samuel Johnson, "Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." This is true for both the non-Christian and the Christian alike but what the Christian needs perhaps even more is God-confidence.
As another has pointed out, "Moses lacked self-confidence when God called him. Had Joshua had lots of self-confidence why would God have told him to not be afraid? Gideon certainly lacked self-confidence. And until the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit they had little if any self-confidence. When Jesus was taken captive, his disciples fled for their lives. Undoubtedly, just as I would have done had I been in their shoes. Had Paul had lots of self-confidence in all situations, why would God have sent an angel to him when he was in prison to tell him to fear not? And over and over God had to tell David not to fear."
Lacking self-confidence is par for the course for most of us for we all struggle with this to some degree. So how do we overcome?
First, we do this by building on our successes and not on our failures—and on what we can do, not on what we can't do! For instance, I may be a terrible bricklayer but that doesn't make me a terrible person.
Second, more importantly, building up our self-confidence needs to come from within; that is, building up my belief in myself. This comes mostly from being open, honest and transparent with at least one or two trusted friends to whom I reveal my total self—warts and all. As they love and accept me as I am, little by little I learn (in a healthy way) to love and accept myself as I am. As we grow in self-love, it is amazing how our self-confidence increases.
Third, and how do I build up my God-confidence? By choosing to trust him no matter how I feel. When I am lacking in self-confidence, I keep saying to God, "I’m afraid, but I choose to trust you in this situation." Eventually my feelings catch up with my choice to trust God.
Fourth, we also build up God-confidence through experience—by stepping out and practicing faith in God and doing what we believe he wants us to do. As we see God using us, our God-confidence grows.
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank you that you love and accept me as I am—and that you love me too much to leave me as I am. Please help me to accept myself as you do, and help me to grow to become the person you want me to be so that my God-confidence and self-confidence will increase greatly. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name, amen.”
1. Joshua 1:9 (NIV).
Positive Self Talk for Positive Living
How is your self talk? Your words are powerful and they can be used to build a person up or tear a person down, and that includes the words that you say to yourself. If your best friend talked to you the way you talk to yourself, how often would you want to be around the person?
I want to share this free self talk audio with you today to help you break free of those negative self talk patterns and get into a positive, creative, powerful self talk cycle. (you can also click on the ‘smart talk’ graphic)
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
God gave us a magnificent and amazing brain, and we have access to a very powerful tool which when used regularly will enhance our self-esteem, help us break through those limiting self-imposed beliefs, and raise the thermostat of our comfort zone. I have condensed the audio file into the following points.
1. Begin with a clear picture of the desired outcome
By that, I mean have a clear vision of the end result. For example, if you want to break out of the negative pattern “I am so scared to speak before a group of people” then you must create a different picture of being a calm, organized and confident speaker. Avoid dwelling on the question, “How am I going to do this?”
Your subconscious mind is very creative and once you lock on to a new thought, you will be pleasantly surprised at how the creative mind actually goes to work to help move you toward this new reality.
2. Make it personal and remain in first person “I “…
3. Be positive
Use a positive spin when saying and writing positive self talk affirmations as opposed to a negative approach. Let’s look at an example. In a positive state, you would say, “I am confident when speaking before large groups of people. I feel energized. I feel focused. I have clarity.” Now, compare that to a negative approach that might sound like this: “I’m not as nervous or scared as I used to be when speaking to groups of people.” Do you hear the difference?
4. Stay in the present tense
You want to keep the statement in the “now” moment, the present moment, for your subconscious mind to fully comprehend that this change is happening today. It’s not a “some day” thing. You want to avoid using words like “I can do this; I will do this; I should or I could.” Instead, you want to use empowering words: “I am a confident, dynamic, captivating, and powerful speaker when addressing groups of people.”
5. Keep it simple
Yes, KIS formula! Use short, powerful sentences for programming that new behavior in your subconscious mind.
6. It’s got to be believable to you and attainable. For example, if you are expanding your comfort zone to feel comfortable speaking to large groups of people, you first begin to focus on creating ease and comfort when speaking to small groups of people. Once there, you can then move on to speaking before larger groups of people.
7. Feel the emotions
You want to use words that really trigger your emotions when you speak your affirmations out loud. An example is to use the word “confident” in your self talk before stepping out before a group of people to give a talk. “I am confident and at ease when I address groups of people.”
8. Write affirmations to reinforce your self talk
Some people scoff at the idea of writing out affirmations but I think it makes good sense. Take out your 3×5 index cards. I happen to like the multicolored ones. Write each affirmation on a separate index card. Use a color for each theme or each area of your life For example, I really like to use pink cards for the area of relationships because I associate pink with the color of the heart. I like yellow for health and nutrition because that reminds me of the sun.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
9. Imprint the positive self talk on your mind
Imprinting is actually a very intentional action that you will take to read affirmations each morning and each evening upon awakening and before falling asleep. This is when your brain is most receptive and in the alpha state.
And as with any new habit, do this for 21 days. However, I like the number 40 because it’s right out of the Bible. Moses was in the desert for 40 days. Jesus was tempted for 40 days. So, for 40 consecutive days, read your affirmations every morning upon awakening and every night before you fall asleep. Take about 30 seconds for each affirmation. Read it. Close your eyes. Picture that end result. See the picture come to life. Enjoy all the vibrant colors in your mind and allow yourself to feel the emotion that goes with the affirmation. Breathe in deeply. Enjoy the moment. And then, go on to that next affirmation, and repeat the steps.
10. This last step may be the most challenging for some, and that is to BELIEVE.
Open your heart and your mind to the possibility that positive self talk will contribute to positive living. Expect to make positive changes in your life using these techniques. What have you got to lose? Try it! Forty days!
Studies show that, over a 21 day period, if you just read the affirmation, you can have a 10 percent impact on changing your negative self talk patterns. If you read the affirmation and picture the results of the affirmation, with vibrant colors and details, you’re looking at a 40 to 50 percent change in your self talk. And when you combine reading, picturing and feeling the emotion that goes with the affirmation, you increase your self talk pattern by an even greater percentage. The new self talk patterns then result in changed behavior.