My Time

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Use the Stochastic Oscillator to Trade in Volatile Markets

Unless you've been on Mars, you know that in 2008 the stock market became a lot more volatile than it has been in recent history. In fact, 2008 was the 3rd most volatile year in stock market history, with the other two coming in the 1930s during the Great Depression.

And this volatility has created all kinds of problems for investors, big problems like trillions in wealth being erased for asset allocators and "buy and hold" investors and even problems for active traders who are supposed to be able to trade these kinds of markets.

Of course the problem for active traders is that the volatility has rendered many of their trusty tools null and void. The magnitude and speed of the directional changes in volatile markets invalidates many indicators like moving average crossovers, RSI and the like, which are just too slow to respond to fast moving markets.

And the result is that active traders have been whipsawed by the market's gyrations and too many times found themselves on the wrong side of the move, looking in "the rear view mirror" instead of trying to look out at the road ahead.

So what's a trader to do?

I spent several weeks asking myself that very question as I found many of my indicators coming up short. And my questioning led to a review of all 14 indicators I use. Of those, which have been tried and true through all kinds of market conditions, one stood out as being truly outstanding and reliable. And that indicator is, drum roll please... Full Stochastic.

Now you might be disappointed that such a well known indicator has proven to be so effective in recent volatile markets, but don't be. I don't know about you, but I'll take all the help I can get to remain profitable when only a small percentage of money managers, newsletter writers and active traders have been able to do that during the brutal bear market we've experienced.

A Little Background

The Stochastic Oscillator was developed by George Lane in the 1950s and is a momentum indicator that shows the current closing price relative to the high/low range of a defined period, the most common of which is 14 days.

There are three types of Stochastic: Fast, Slow and Full. We don't have room to get into a full discussion of how these are calculated but suffice to say there are two lines that crossover each other to generate buy/sell signals and two ranges to indicate overbought or oversold.

In my work, I use the Full Stochastic Oscillator that uses the two previous mentioned lines plus an additional parameter to smooth out the momentum indicator. In the chart below, we can see the overbought range which is above 80 and the oversold range which is 20 or below.

The red line crossing over the black also generates buy and sell signals but these can be subject to whipsaws and in my view aren't reliable by themselves. The best signals, in my view, resembles the one in the S&P chart below at the beginning of 2009 when the black line crossed over the red, the lines turned down and broke through the 80 level in a sharp descent just before the steep decline of early 2009 began in earnest.

Now looking at real time in the daily chart of the S&P 500 above, we see that the full stochastic is at oversold levels (near or below 20) and that the lines are flattening out, indicating a sideways trend with the line oscillating between buy and sell; in other words a market with no commitment to move up or down.

So this would tell us that on the daily, the S&P 500 is oversold and trending sideways to down and this is confirmed by the MACD at the bottom also trending downward and on a "sell signal."

Next let's take a look at the same chart on the same day but on the weekly stochastic.

Here we see a slightly different story, with the stochastic lines in a mid position but on a definite sell signal with the black line crossing below the red and starting to curve down. This takes a longer term view and confirms the daily picture except for the MACD below indicating a contradictory signal with a weekly uptrend underway.

So, what can we make of this situation?

The S&P 500 has started an up move but still remains at much oversold levels and now is moving sideways. And on the candlestick chart, you can see that it has been in a 200 point trading range since October, 2008. An astute trader would be watching for an imminent up move because the weekly MACD is on a "buy" signal and the daily stochastic appears ready to make a turn up from much oversold levels.

In volatile markets, the daily indicator tends to be the most useful and reliable, but I always look for confirmation from other indicators like the weekly stochastic and MACD and where the stochastic is relative to the overbought and oversold zones.

When several of these indicators line up and point the same way, up or down, and the lines are moving out of one of the extreme zones, a reliable signal is underway and the trader can execute his move with a high degree of confidence in the outcome.

The nicest thing about the stochastic is that it can keep up with fast moving, volatile, trading range markets and offer the active trader a useful tool when other indicators have failed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

有點像 08至09年

首先希臘的公投問題反映 出歐盟之方案,並沒有做好溝通,德國及法國只希望尋找自身利益,但從來沒有考慮方案之可行性,所以希臘的「反抗」十分正常,而且這只是一個開始,因為當葡萄牙、愛爾蘭,甚至意大利等國,考慮到歐盟對希臘的削債方案,根本未能有效解決希臘的財政問題,而希臘債券孳息仍然可以急速上升,那麼一旦歐盟要求債券持有人,對自己的國債進行削債計劃時,最終換來的可能是反效果,這些國家亦會開始考慮,是否應該接受歐盟之建議。


3年前金融海嘯,收到一位 88歲老伯伯來信,信中滿載悲觀情緒,原因是他手上的股票大幅貶值,當時讀了來信後,我在《蘋果日報》公開給這位老伯伯提點意見,及後,負責管理他所住屋邨的慈善機構,邀請我到該屋邨演說,我見到這位老伯伯, 88歲的老伯伯,笑起來像小孩子。
昨日,《蘋果日報》編輯部轉來一封信,原來是這位老伯伯寫的,老伯伯現在 91歲,仍健康快樂的生活,對投資依然有很濃的興趣,他在信中提起「曾氏通道」,他希望《蘋果日報》每星期刊登一次「曾氏通道」,不過我認為不可行。
《蘋果日報》版位很緊張很珍貴,不可能每星期撥出位置刊登「曾氏通道」,因此,我只能做不定期地向大家報告最新的情況,實際上我自己很忙,也不常查看「曾氏通道」,還記得 2008年 10月底,我是在「曾氏通道」見底後的第 3天,才因為有讀者來信通知我,說他發現「曾氏通道」已經見底了,問我是不是可以入市時,我方知「曾氏通道」已經見底;事實上,這是一個不錯的入市訊號。

昨日,我翻查最新的「曾氏通道」,發現上個月恒指一度非常接近「曾氏通道」的 95%悲觀線,然後反彈,算不上見底,但非常接近見底,非常接近見底或見底的意義,就是非常股市中悲觀氣氛太濃了,股價已經非常超值。
現在,恒指已經從低位反彈 4000點,昨日才出現一次比較像樣的調整,因此,已經很久沒有在《蘋果日報》旗下「港股王」出現的我,昨午就在「港股王」建議大家,不妨趁昨午的調整入市。目前,市場的悲觀氣氛依然濃厚,我翻了幾份報章,多數評論都在說歐債危機依然嚴重,仍未解決。