Stanley Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy was published in 1988 by Dow Jones-Irwin and is now available in .pdf form from Traders Press. Kroll was a legendary commodities trader in the 1960s and 70s. Apparently in the early 1970s he parlayed $18,000 of his own money into $1 million; he “retired” for five years in 1975 at the age of 40, subsequently returned to the markets, and died in 1999.
As you would expect, for today’s trader this book does not enter uncharted waters. But it serves as a reminder of time-tested principles that will always trump the latest and greatest systems. Kroll, a trend trader, was an admirer of Jesse Livermore and was particularly fond of his statement that “It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and lots of early bears in bear markets. . . . [But] they made no real money out of it. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon.” (p. 137) Kroll relates an anecdote that speaks to this point (and to later behavioral studies on myopic loss aversion; see my post of October 21). Let me quote it in full:
"On the afternoon of January 28, 1987, some 5 1/2 months after the buy position [in cotton] was signaled [at 34.54], I received a near-cryptic phone call from a pharmacist in Rapid City, South Dakota. He and I had corresponded on occasion, and, if there ever was a rank beginner in futures trading, he was it. Anyway, he was so excited he could barely talk—but the gist of what I understood, after I managed to get him to communicate in normal English, was that his system just that morning had flashed a signal, at 54.83, to sell the cotton position. He had dumped the position and was totally undone at the realization that he had just scored over $20,000 profit on his two contracts. After further conversation, I was also undone when I learned that he had been unaware until that very day of the magnitude of his profit—which may have been the reason he sat with it for the full term of the move." (p. 163)
Every trader is looking for the outsized gain. But, says Kroll, we have no way of knowing when we initiate a position if it “will turn into the big one. Therefore, so long as we are trading in the direction of the major trend, we should premise that every position has the potential to be the megamove and play the market accordingly. And that means holding the position . . . until your stop, which you advance with the market, takes you out.” (pp. 162-63)
One of Kroll’s basic tenets is that a good technical trading system, one that can identify a market trend or the price objective of a particular move, is only half of what you need to succeed. The other half is a viable market strategy and tactics along with sound money management. In fact, he argued (what is perhaps a truism but one that always bears repeating) that “it is better to have a mediocre system and good money management than an excellent system and poor money management.” Kroll discusses stop placement, averaging up, and cutting losses. He concludes:
"My answer to the iconoclastic individual who seeks futures profits while violating most of the proven precepts of sound strategy and money management is to quote Damon Runyon. 'The race may not always go to the swift, nor the contest to the strong, but that’s the way you want to bet.' So, in your gardening, your poetry, your sculpture, or your cooking, be as uninhibited as you dare, break all the rules or invent a few of your own, and think of discipline as just another word in the dictionary. But, in your futures trading, play by the rules in a disciplined and pragmatic manner, trying to keep in step with the trend, which really is your friend." (p. 168)
Richard J. Dennis wrote on the back flap: “This is the best book I’ve ever read on futures trading.” High praise indeed from another legend.
Consistent gains
The first thing that impressed me was how much Kroll's Dragons felt like and reminded me of Jessie Livermore's How to Trade in Stocks.
I knew for sure this would be something special because Stanley was not trying to make a textbook or have somebody else write it for him. Unlike many books written for no one in particular, Kroll assumes readers know how to read charts and has had some experience speculating. This book is inner Kroll. Dragons supplements Reminiscences.
Not written to praise the market or pay homage to his experiments with technical analysis. Dragons covers the essence of speculating whether it is securities that require the greatest risk margin like stocks, minimum margins like futures, or practically no margins at all like calendar spreads.
It is clear that Kroll dabbled with fundamentals. He got over that. Then he may have gone a little to far with technical analysis. But it is clear that he honed in on his true contribution to trading with Dragons. Stanley finely figured it out. He had to draw on none other than Sun Tzu to pull it all together with a little help from Partridge. Traders should be more concerned with an overall profitable operation than catching tops and bottoms. The most expensive loss effecting success, is the loss of confidence.
Dragons is light on Livermore the trader, heavy on Sun Tzu the philosopher. It is not so strange that many people expound on a philosophy as life itself draws to a close. Do you suppose this acceptance precedes death?
The long shot pays better, but the favorite is the way to bet. Presuppose that every with-the-trend trade will be the big one. You maintain your potential for profit when you hold on, build positions, and sell your losers. Buying strength and selling weakness applies to portfolio management, right thru selection of markets to the time differences between contracts. Buy what's going up, sell or even short what's falling.
Oscillator/ Indicators
Stochastics – entry
Parabolic – pyramid and stop
Macd – trend confirmation
Bollinger Bands – volatility
Moving Averages
Kroll suggests that moving average crossover systems, combined with the slope of the moving average are good enough to confirm a trend. Stanley reinforces a theme that has made has been taught before by Joe Ross in his excellent "Trading Spreads," and by Wells Wilder in "New Concepts," by Jake Bernstein probably in "Seasonality," and spread guru Jerry Toepke of "Moore Research." It does not matter what technical studies that you use, as long as you are comfortable and use them regularity.
Control losses and allow profits to run
Limit risk – percent of exchange margin
Avoid overtrading – churning or too large a position relative to capital
Cut your losses – advance your stops
The most difficult part of developing a trend following system is fine-tuning your stops. Using a percentage of exchange margins has the advantage of being related to the volatility, risk, and the profit potential of each market. Another strategy is to advance your stop after each week. You have to develop a method to reenter lost positions as well as build your position in a trending market.
In the early 80's Stanley told me that he did not specifically trade spreads, but sometimes they showed up to advantage requiring fewer margins. Kroll notes that Spreads advantages include higher profits. Here Kroll shows spread charts from the mid eighties and has a whole chapter on spreads in Dragons. Kroll suggests traders watch spread differences as an accurate indicator for managing positions.
Spread Orders
Stanley does not mention market on close spread orders (MOC), preferring instead to leg in and out. But he does suggest giving your broker the spread order. Stanley details the three reasons that you might want to place a spread, switch, or straddles order.
Entering a new trade,
Shifting forward (rollover)
Spreading a losing position
Kroll's tactics remains about the same as he marketed a decade before with Wells Wilder. You can see this in his long-term winners, short-term losers philosophy.
Kroll sets up for a major move entering with-the- trend positions, and try's to stay with them as long as possible. Diversification with the addition of China stock indexes. Price based entry signals, no longer optimized. No long side bias. Stop placement that allows time & space for long-term trades to develop. Kroll may get in late on an entry signal that is showing a loss, but when he gets stopped out prematurely he would get right back on board a day or two later, when the trend resumed.
Just as Stanley likes to quote Jessie, following are some quotes from Kroll's Dragons:
I am a long-term trader on my winning positions and a short-term trader on my adverse ones.
Scores of brilliant or lucky market operators have had the heady and envious sensation of closing a position with a million-plus-dollar profit. I too, on a few occasions, have had the good fortune to be included in this exclusive group.
The traders who make money on a consistent basis are the long-term position traders.
One of the traits of successful operators is to close out losing positions and stay with, and even add to, the winning ones.
In two related markets, you should buy the strongest acting one and sell the weakest acting one.
The most important tactic for consistent and successful speculation is to control losses.
A long-term holder speculating with the trend should not try to capture small counter-trend profits by trying to get in and out.
I might lose my position, and with it the certainty of making a big killing with the big move. It is the big swing that makes the big money for you.
If you exit a trending position, regardless of the reason, and on the close of the next two days the trend is still in the original direction, you should get back on board.
The most damaging loss, and the one to be avoided at all costs, is the loss of confidence and belief in your ability to trade with consistent success – you must avoid that loss at all costs.
Socrates: Where are you ? Millman: Here............ Socrates: What time is it ? Millman: Now.......... Socrates: What are you ? Millman: This moment.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
斯坦利·克罗 英文名:Stanley Kroll
斯坦利·克罗(1934年3月5日-1999)(Stanley Kroll)是美国著名的期货专家,1960年进入全球金融中心华尔街。他在华尔街的33年之中,一直在期货市场上从事商品期货交易,积累了大量的经验。在20世纪70年代初的商品期货暴涨行情中,用1.8万美元获利100万美元。岁月流逝,财富积累,斯坦利·克罗带着他在华尔街聚集的几百万美元,远离这一充满竞争的市场,漫游世界,独享人生。5年的游历中,斯坦利·克罗潜心研究经济理论及金融、投资理论,并先后出版了5本专著,其中最著名的是《克罗谈投资策略》。
克罗最著名的一句话:只有时刻惦记着损失,利润才可以照顾好他自己!克罗的这种理念在执行中主要依靠技术方法。他的座右铭就是:KISS(Keep It Simple,Stupid)—— 追求简洁。
· 只有在市场展现强烈的趋势时才放手进场。
· 入市点:趋势翻转时;盘整突破时;大势反弹或回吐45%~55%处。
· 趋势分析正确时,金字塔加码。
· 钱是“坐”着赚回来的,不是靠操作赚来的,只有用客观的方法判断趋势翻转时才平仓。
. KISS——斯坦利技术分析的原则
很多人对斯坦利·克罗能捕捉到超级大行情相当佩服,但最关心的是斯坦利·克罗是用什么分析方法入市,斯坦利·克罗说,他主要是依靠技术分析法,研究大量的长期图表和季节性的周期,他的座右铭是“KISS“。这并非是他生性爱谈恋爱,KISS其实是“Keep It Simple,Stupid”的缩写,意思就是说:务求简单,简单到不必用大脑的地步,不必迷信复杂的技术分析法。斯坦利·克罗操作期货之所以那么成功,靠的就是这点。像古龙武侠小说里的李寻欢,简单直接且快而准的一刀封喉,比任何复杂的武功都有效,与此有异曲同工之妙。
克罗最著名的一句话:只有时刻惦记着损失,利润才可以照顾好他自己!克罗的这种理念在执行中主要依靠技术方法。他的座右铭就是:KISS(Keep It Simple,Stupid)—— 追求简洁。
· 只有在市场展现强烈的趋势时才放手进场。
· 入市点:趋势翻转时;盘整突破时;大势反弹或回吐45%~55%处。
· 趋势分析正确时,金字塔加码。
· 钱是“坐”着赚回来的,不是靠操作赚来的,只有用客观的方法判断趋势翻转时才平仓。
. KISS——斯坦利技术分析的原则
很多人对斯坦利·克罗能捕捉到超级大行情相当佩服,但最关心的是斯坦利·克罗是用什么分析方法入市,斯坦利·克罗说,他主要是依靠技术分析法,研究大量的长期图表和季节性的周期,他的座右铭是“KISS“。这并非是他生性爱谈恋爱,KISS其实是“Keep It Simple,Stupid”的缩写,意思就是说:务求简单,简单到不必用大脑的地步,不必迷信复杂的技术分析法。斯坦利·克罗操作期货之所以那么成功,靠的就是这点。像古龙武侠小说里的李寻欢,简单直接且快而准的一刀封喉,比任何复杂的武功都有效,与此有异曲同工之妙。
The Wisdom of Stanley Kroll
Stanley Kroll'sThe Professional Commodity Trader looking for a quote about taking stops. I remember something to the effect that if you are going to stop out it is always better to do it sooner rather than later. I couldn't find it but I ran across his rules for trade entry and exit.
I. On Initiating a Position
Trade in the direction of the major tend, against the minor trend. For example if the major trend is clearly up, trade the market from the long side, or not at all, buying when:
a. the minor trend has turned down, and
b. prices are "digging" into support, and
c. the market has made a 35-50 percent retracement of the previous up leg.
If the major trend is clearly down trade the market from the short side, or not at all, selling when:
a. the minor trend has turned up, and
b. prices have advanced into overhead resistance, and
c. the market has made a 35-50 percent retracement of the previous down leg.
II. On Closing Out a Position
a. At a profit. Liquidate one-third of the position at a logical (chart) price objective into overhead resistance (for a long position) or into underlying support (for a short position).*
b. At a loss. There are, basically, three approaches:
Enter and arbitrary "money" stop-loss; e.g., 40-50 percent of the margin deposit.
Enter a chart-point stop-loss; i.e., to close out the position when the major trend reverses against your position - not when the minor trend reverses (that's just the point where you should be initiating the position, not closing it out).
Maintain the position until you are convinced that you are wrong (the major trend has reversed against you) and then close out on the first technical correction.**
* Following this first liquidation, be alert to reinstate the position, or even 1.5 times the liquidated position, on a subsequent technical correction, as outlined in the above discussion, "On Initiating the Position."
I. On Initiating a Position
Trade in the direction of the major tend, against the minor trend. For example if the major trend is clearly up, trade the market from the long side, or not at all, buying when:
a. the minor trend has turned down, and
b. prices are "digging" into support, and
c. the market has made a 35-50 percent retracement of the previous up leg.
If the major trend is clearly down trade the market from the short side, or not at all, selling when:
a. the minor trend has turned up, and
b. prices have advanced into overhead resistance, and
c. the market has made a 35-50 percent retracement of the previous down leg.
II. On Closing Out a Position
a. At a profit. Liquidate one-third of the position at a logical (chart) price objective into overhead resistance (for a long position) or into underlying support (for a short position).*
b. At a loss. There are, basically, three approaches:
Enter and arbitrary "money" stop-loss; e.g., 40-50 percent of the margin deposit.
Enter a chart-point stop-loss; i.e., to close out the position when the major trend reverses against your position - not when the minor trend reverses (that's just the point where you should be initiating the position, not closing it out).
Maintain the position until you are convinced that you are wrong (the major trend has reversed against you) and then close out on the first technical correction.**
* Following this first liquidation, be alert to reinstate the position, or even 1.5 times the liquidated position, on a subsequent technical correction, as outlined in the above discussion, "On Initiating the Position."
2013货币战争新元年 QE无上限新兴市场早晚遭殃
輕緊油(light tight oil)為首的非常規石油,是改變美國能源格局的另一個要素。輕緊油生產所用的橫向開採和水力壓裂技術,與頁岩氣的生產技術一脈相承。技術上的突破,令十年前一般人聞所未聞的能源可能在2020年超過常規石油,成為美國第二大能源供應源。
輕緊油(light tight oil)為首的非常規石油,是改變美國能源格局的另一個要素。輕緊油生產所用的橫向開採和水力壓裂技術,與頁岩氣的生產技術一脈相承。技術上的突破,令十年前一般人聞所未聞的能源可能在2020年超過常規石油,成為美國第二大能源供應源。
2013年汇市震荡将依旧 欧元无反转条件
Historical Japanese Yen Rate (JPY USD)
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Volatility Likely to Pick Up in Early 2013
After reaching a 5 year low in volatility, a change may be underway. The return of risk into the broader system and the gradual return of investment capital into the regular investment arena are likely to send volatility upwards in the first 3 to 6 months of 2013, says John Kicklighter of DailyFX.
In the interview below, Kicklighter discusses volatility, the impact of the LDP on the yen, what is priced in for the fiscal cliff and more.
John Kicklighter is a currency strategist for FXCM in New York where he specializes in combining fundamental and technical analysis with money management. John authors a number of regular articles for, ranging in topics from basic fundamental forecasts for the G10 economies and commodities to more complex subjects like the level of risk sentiment across the financial markets and the carry trade specifically. John has actively traded since he was a teenager. His experience ranges from spot currency, financial futures, commodities, stocks, and options on all of these instruments for his personal accounts. John graduated from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College in New York with a Bachelors degree in Finance and Investment.
1. Following the landslide victory of the LDP in Japan, do you think the yen could further weaken before the year ends, or could it take action from the new government to see such a move?
There are two factors that will work against further yen depreciation. First we have the natural inclination for short to medium-term traders to unwind speculative positions (like the long carry that yen crosses represent) into the end of the year. That is a natural pull on the market. The other consideration is the ‘buy the rumor, sell the news’ aspect that we often seen with major event risk like this. However, it seems that income Prime Minister Abe is aware of that factor. This week he has already removed the budget spending cap and has gone to visit the BoJ governor – presumably to push forward his demands for further, aggressive stimulus (this is why we keep hearing about the 2 percent inflation target). If they can keep the stimulus effort continuously building through year-end, we could still advance (see the yen decline). However, all that would be rendered moot if risk aversion kicks in. Policy officials have a non-existent record when it comes to fight sentiment flows that unwind carry and leverages safe havens.
2. There are reports about progress in the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. After QE4 has been announced and Greece received the tranche of aid, could an announcement of a deal before the holidays further push the dollar lower? Or could we get a different response?
While it looks like there is a general consensus within the market that the US will come to a deal to avoid the Fiscal Cliff (otherwise, you wouldn’t have seen markets advance with such tenacity these past four weeks), the impact that the alternative scenario would carry is just so severe that there is ‘insurance’ positioning in the market in case it does happen. That means that if there is a resolution, you are likely to still see some advance from equities and risk (losses for the dollar). However, it will lack for follow through as this is still the illiquid holiday trading period. If we ‘go over the Cliff’, it would have a significant impact on the pumped up premium in capital markets and the dollar would advance. Of course, the pace will be dictated by the market conditions.
3. NZD/USD reached highs last seen in 2011. Could the central bank intervene to lower the currency, or is the bar too high at the moment.
There have been a few efforts to intervene on behalf of the New Zealand dollar over the past few years by the RBNZ. The efforts have been dubious at best. In each of the efforts, the market has bowled through the unusual activities as underlying risk trends have kept a consistent flow of investment capital to offset their otherwise modest influence. The kiwi is considered a major currency because it is treated as an investment destination for global capital. To have the Central Bank deliver a modest decrease in the exchange rate will not permanently curb the inflow of capital seeking high yield returns in the country’s highly rated debt. At this point, many of the conditions laid out for intervention have been met. However, both Finance Minister English and RBNZ Governor Wheeler have voiced their lack of confidence that such a move would have any lasting influence.
4. The SNB has left policy unchanged once again. What would convince them to remove the peg? Is a change in policy still far away?
They wouldn’t move the peg unless they were absolutely forced to. There is little benefit to raise the floor on the EURCHF up from 1.2000 to a higher level as they will simply face the same issues and have a larger initial outlay to drive the exchange rate higher to return there. The issue that faces policy officials in Switzerland is that there is a steady capital outflow from the Eurozone as people look to protect their wealth from financial uncertainty and taxes. Individuals and corporations don’t mind that they won’t see an advantageous exchange rate move (EURCHF drop) if they move their capital into the Swiss banking system. They simply want the peace of mind of security. And, they won’t be lifting the floor altogether unless they were confident in the recovery of the Eurozone financial situation – as that is the source of their problems.
5. Looking forward to 2013, could we see volatility picking up after a few relatively slow months? What could trigger a move?
We will likely see volatility pick up in the first six (if not first three) months of the year. We are currently scraping along at the lowest levels of activity in 5 years and that is largely predicated on the lowest level of participation in 15 years. There are two ways that volatility and trend pick up going forward. First, we see the return of a serious risk to the broader system – or at least a large portion of it. That fear could send capital racing away from risky assets and into safe havens, thereby supplying the fear that sets off the insurance premium readings that indicators like the VIX represent. The other option is to see investment capital slowly return to the regular investment arena (carry trades, equities, etc). If that occurs, we will see volatility measures slowly pick up as participation fills out for the normal ebb and flow of risk appetite.
In the interview below, Kicklighter discusses volatility, the impact of the LDP on the yen, what is priced in for the fiscal cliff and more.
John Kicklighter is a currency strategist for FXCM in New York where he specializes in combining fundamental and technical analysis with money management. John authors a number of regular articles for, ranging in topics from basic fundamental forecasts for the G10 economies and commodities to more complex subjects like the level of risk sentiment across the financial markets and the carry trade specifically. John has actively traded since he was a teenager. His experience ranges from spot currency, financial futures, commodities, stocks, and options on all of these instruments for his personal accounts. John graduated from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College in New York with a Bachelors degree in Finance and Investment.
1. Following the landslide victory of the LDP in Japan, do you think the yen could further weaken before the year ends, or could it take action from the new government to see such a move?
There are two factors that will work against further yen depreciation. First we have the natural inclination for short to medium-term traders to unwind speculative positions (like the long carry that yen crosses represent) into the end of the year. That is a natural pull on the market. The other consideration is the ‘buy the rumor, sell the news’ aspect that we often seen with major event risk like this. However, it seems that income Prime Minister Abe is aware of that factor. This week he has already removed the budget spending cap and has gone to visit the BoJ governor – presumably to push forward his demands for further, aggressive stimulus (this is why we keep hearing about the 2 percent inflation target). If they can keep the stimulus effort continuously building through year-end, we could still advance (see the yen decline). However, all that would be rendered moot if risk aversion kicks in. Policy officials have a non-existent record when it comes to fight sentiment flows that unwind carry and leverages safe havens.
2. There are reports about progress in the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. After QE4 has been announced and Greece received the tranche of aid, could an announcement of a deal before the holidays further push the dollar lower? Or could we get a different response?
While it looks like there is a general consensus within the market that the US will come to a deal to avoid the Fiscal Cliff (otherwise, you wouldn’t have seen markets advance with such tenacity these past four weeks), the impact that the alternative scenario would carry is just so severe that there is ‘insurance’ positioning in the market in case it does happen. That means that if there is a resolution, you are likely to still see some advance from equities and risk (losses for the dollar). However, it will lack for follow through as this is still the illiquid holiday trading period. If we ‘go over the Cliff’, it would have a significant impact on the pumped up premium in capital markets and the dollar would advance. Of course, the pace will be dictated by the market conditions.
3. NZD/USD reached highs last seen in 2011. Could the central bank intervene to lower the currency, or is the bar too high at the moment.
There have been a few efforts to intervene on behalf of the New Zealand dollar over the past few years by the RBNZ. The efforts have been dubious at best. In each of the efforts, the market has bowled through the unusual activities as underlying risk trends have kept a consistent flow of investment capital to offset their otherwise modest influence. The kiwi is considered a major currency because it is treated as an investment destination for global capital. To have the Central Bank deliver a modest decrease in the exchange rate will not permanently curb the inflow of capital seeking high yield returns in the country’s highly rated debt. At this point, many of the conditions laid out for intervention have been met. However, both Finance Minister English and RBNZ Governor Wheeler have voiced their lack of confidence that such a move would have any lasting influence.
4. The SNB has left policy unchanged once again. What would convince them to remove the peg? Is a change in policy still far away?
They wouldn’t move the peg unless they were absolutely forced to. There is little benefit to raise the floor on the EURCHF up from 1.2000 to a higher level as they will simply face the same issues and have a larger initial outlay to drive the exchange rate higher to return there. The issue that faces policy officials in Switzerland is that there is a steady capital outflow from the Eurozone as people look to protect their wealth from financial uncertainty and taxes. Individuals and corporations don’t mind that they won’t see an advantageous exchange rate move (EURCHF drop) if they move their capital into the Swiss banking system. They simply want the peace of mind of security. And, they won’t be lifting the floor altogether unless they were confident in the recovery of the Eurozone financial situation – as that is the source of their problems.
5. Looking forward to 2013, could we see volatility picking up after a few relatively slow months? What could trigger a move?
We will likely see volatility pick up in the first six (if not first three) months of the year. We are currently scraping along at the lowest levels of activity in 5 years and that is largely predicated on the lowest level of participation in 15 years. There are two ways that volatility and trend pick up going forward. First, we see the return of a serious risk to the broader system – or at least a large portion of it. That fear could send capital racing away from risky assets and into safe havens, thereby supplying the fear that sets off the insurance premium readings that indicators like the VIX represent. The other option is to see investment capital slowly return to the regular investment arena (carry trades, equities, etc). If that occurs, we will see volatility measures slowly pick up as participation fills out for the normal ebb and flow of risk appetite.
有不少操盘手目前的意识还认为只有博一下才能赚大钱。这样的观点老早说过是错误的,为什么?即使你博对了方向,那么你也未必能够把握好出局价格,或者卖早了,或者卖晚了。即便你真的博到了一笔大钱,那么你也未必能够取走这些钱。…… 1 2 3 4 下一页顺势交易,顾名思义就是顺着当前的趋势进行买卖。如果当前趋势涨就买入开仓,当前趋势跌就卖出开仓。虽然顺势交易理解上不存在问题,然而这只是顺势交易的表面意义。在实际交易中,这并不容易下手。因为这里面有很多不确定的因素,就是趋势的分析和判断。因为同样一个趋势,对于不同的操盘手有着不同的看法。其次,对于选择顺应趋势的级别上也有很大的不同。有的操盘手喜欢顺应大级别的趋势,有的则喜欢顺应小级别的趋势。而且,顺势交易同样也有其弊端。顺势交易的最大弊端就是会导致操盘手进行追涨杀跌。因为有的操盘手看清趋势的时间比较晚,等到彵们看清趋势的时候,可能已经是趋势发展晚期的时候了,这样就导致了操盘手出现追涨杀跌的情况了,而追涨杀跌同样是一个很大的麻烦。
趋势判断的方法还是很多的,有均线系统,有道氏理论,有趋势理论等等。但是我们必须固定使用一套方法,也就是自己的一套判断趋势的方法。这样可以达到趋势判断前后的一致性。这里我将给大家介绍一种方法,这种方法还是结合了这些经典的趋势分析理论。 1 2 3 4 下一页首先我们把趋势的方向划分为上涨、下跌和横盘,这个没有多大问题。其次就是划分趋势的级别,我们一般把趋势分为小级别的趋势、短期趋势、中期趋势、以及长期趋势。
如果趋势一开始就是强的,往往以后还会强。这就是趋势强度的趋势关系。这对于开仓点位的选择也是比较重要的。 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页趋势判断好之后,可能有些问题就可以迎刃而解了。
没有耐心往往导致介入过早,介入过早就要经受市场的波动,因为此时尚未完全展开上涨或者可能还处在下跌趋势中,而这些情况你往往无法坚持得住或者你的止损计划也不会让你继续坚持的。急着想赚上一笔钞票,往往会导致我们失去耐心,迫不及待的、过早的介入市场。 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页过犹不及。与过早相对应的就是过晚。有的操盘手非要把趋势看得很清楚了才开始介入,如果行情发展到大家都能够看得很清楚的话,此时趋势往往会开始减弱、调整甚至是反转。所以,过早和过晚介入都不是理想的介入时机。像诸如此类例子大家一定经历了很多,大家想想看自己的问题到底出在什么地方。
趋势判断的方法还是很多的,有均线系统,有道氏理论,有趋势理论等等。但是我们必须固定使用一套方法,也就是自己的一套判断趋势的方法。这样可以达到趋势判断前后的一致性。这里我将给大家介绍一种方法,这种方法还是结合了这些经典的趋势分析理论。 1 2 3 4 下一页首先我们把趋势的方向划分为上涨、下跌和横盘,这个没有多大问题。其次就是划分趋势的级别,我们一般把趋势分为小级别的趋势、短期趋势、中期趋势、以及长期趋势。
如果趋势一开始就是强的,往往以后还会强。这就是趋势强度的趋势关系。这对于开仓点位的选择也是比较重要的。 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页趋势判断好之后,可能有些问题就可以迎刃而解了。
没有耐心往往导致介入过早,介入过早就要经受市场的波动,因为此时尚未完全展开上涨或者可能还处在下跌趋势中,而这些情况你往往无法坚持得住或者你的止损计划也不会让你继续坚持的。急着想赚上一笔钞票,往往会导致我们失去耐心,迫不及待的、过早的介入市场。 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页过犹不及。与过早相对应的就是过晚。有的操盘手非要把趋势看得很清楚了才开始介入,如果行情发展到大家都能够看得很清楚的话,此时趋势往往会开始减弱、调整甚至是反转。所以,过早和过晚介入都不是理想的介入时机。像诸如此类例子大家一定经历了很多,大家想想看自己的问题到底出在什么地方。
Forex Binary Options – An Upgraded Stop Loss
The forex industry continues to evolve with additional resources for knowledge, and now with additional resources for trading. Binary options can be used as an alternative for the traditional stop loss, and for hedging. Here are a few examples for this.
Let’s say that your trade plan is buy EUR/USD in case of a breakout or to short it if it fails to do so. The level can be 1.4720, you invest $100 on a binary PUT option promising a 170$ return in case the pair will close below that level.
In case of a bullish break out, you need to cover the hedging cost, which is $100 – $10 in return = $90. So, I need to anticipate a relevant breakout that will give me enough pips in order to return at least $90. Now there are two scenarios:
- If the breakout is real, you win in the forex trade and lose the hedging in th binary option – this is like paying a small premium to the insurance compan, when everything is OK. The win on the trade should be much more than the hedging cost.
- If the breakout was false, you lose the forex trade, but the binary option covers the losses since I get back the $100 + $70. This 70% win should cover the loss (and sometimes even more) in the forex trade.
After getting used to this method, the stop loss point can be moved to a better place. Although there are premiums involved, binary options, if used wisely, can be the sweet dream scalpers were waiting for.
Apart from breakouts, these binary forex options can be used for trading news events. For example, if we take American CPI, and it comes out stronger than expected, the dollar would normally rise on anticipation for a rate hike. The trader would go short on EUR/USD and defend this position by a CALL binary option.
Forex Trading Strategies
Fundamental Strategy
Trading Forex on Fundamental analysis is based on the understanding of underlying elements affecting the economy. Traders develop methods and strategies based on the historical data of certain economy conditions to predict the future moevement of the currency prices. Generally, good economy news will move the currency higher, and bad news will move currency lower.
If you like Fundamental trading, you need to learn and understand the economy condition, political situation, government regulation, relevant economic news, etc. The overall health of economy is important especialy like economic growth rates, interest rates, inflation, unemployment level, GDP, etc. For example, if US intends to increase their interest rate, US currency tends to move higher as people holding US currency in bank will receive a higher interest rate. However this is based on theoritical fundamental analysis. In most of the cases, before US announces the increase of interest rate, the US currency will probably have factored in the increased rate a few days or weeks ago. So when the announcement takes place, the US curreny might not move higher.
During the announcing of certain economic news, the currency tends to be more volatile. The reason is that there are traders who think the effect of the news is good, and another group of traders who analalyse that the effect of the news is bad for economy in the short or long term. Of course, unless there is a clear decision that the news is good or bad, it will be a tug-of-war between the traders and cause the curreny to be very volatile.
There are traders who specilize in trading news. They have their own strategies based on their observation of past historical data during the news announcement. They can achieve a substantial gain as well as high risk loss.
Most retail brokers will discourage traders to trade news. During the news anouncement, brokers can increase the currency spread up to 10 times (and sometimes more). (For the reason of why brokers increase the spread, it is discussed in Structure of Forex Borkers). Brokers sometimes freeze the trading server. That is the reason most of the complains about the brokers come from the traders who trade news.
Most traders will not trade fundamental as it is. This Fundamental information will combine with other strategies to make it more effective in predicting where the currency price is going.
Technical Charting Strategy
The Technical Charting strategy is probably the most popular one. Most of the trading strategies or systems in the market are derived from this Technical Chart. For technical chart trading, traders study the price movement and try to predict the future direction of the price.
One of the most popular charting that is widely use by traders is Japanese Chandlestick. (The other less popular is line chart). In order to facilitate in communicating among traders, traders give very create names to certain formation of Candlestick pattern such as hammer, shooting star, spinning top, doji (long legged, dragonfly, gravestone), engulfing, head and shoulder, double bottom/top, etc. Based on this charting pattern, traders will predict on where the next direction of the price movement.
In order to assist the traders in the technical anaylsis, a lot of Forex Indicators are created or invented. Indicators are mathemetical formula where calculation is based on the specific timeframe of historical price data. Based on these indicators, traders will extract certain information to help them in trading decision. Some of the most popular indicators are Moving Average (MA), Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD), Stochastics, Bollinger Bands, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Williams' Percent Range, etc.
Based on the combinations of a few indicators, chart paterns, candlestick timeframe, canddlestick patterns, and a set of specific rules for entry/exit the trade, a lot of trading strategies are created by traders. Some strategies are very simple to understand, and some are very complicated.
For technical chart trading, you need to understand the proper usage of the indicators and the significant of candlestick pattern formation. There are a lot of forum discussion on strategies based on technical charts and indicators. If you are new to Forex trading, you can visit this Forum to find out more. Some traders create their own system after they have enough market experiences in trading. Note that there is no strategy to produce profitable results forever. All these strategies work for certain market conditions, and you need to apply them at the right time. Therefore, you need to have Forex knowledge in order to trade successfully.
Hedging Strategy
There are quite a lot of ways to implement Hedging Strategy in Forex. Most, if not all, are based on these two type of strategies: Hedging on 1 currency pairs with different directions, and Hedging on multiple currency pairs.
Hedging With 1 Currency Pair
This Forex Hedging technique is to open two positions of currency A in different direction (open a Long position and Short position at the same time). The idea is to offset the losses in one position, and by the profit received in another position, no matter where the currency moves. Then, how do we make money from this Hedging technique ?
In order to profit from the this hedging technique, you need to have Forex knowledge, and understand its market movement. The idea is to take a profit from the winning position at certain price level, and wait for the price to reverse back to the (close to) original position, and close the other opened position with break-even or minor lose. For example, we open a Short and Long position at the price of 1.5000. Assuming that the curreny moves up, and it reaches 1.5100. The current status will be: Long position with a 100 pips (unrealized) profit, and the other Short position with a 100 pips (unrealized) lose (ignoring the spread). Based on our Forex knowledge, we know that this currency has almost reached the peak and would reverse back. Therefore, we quickly close the Long positions to realize a 100 Pips profit. As our prediction is true, the currency moves back to 1.5010, and we close the Short position with a realized lose of 10 Pips. Overall, we gain 90 Pips.
To further take an advantage of this hedge technique, we will open a (positive interest) position with the broker who pays interest, and another (negative interest) position with a broker who does not charge interest. If we hold these two positions long enough, we will gain interests. Note that taking Long position on GBPJPY will gain (positive) interest, and Short position on GBPJPY will pay interest.
Hedging With Mutiple Currency Pairs
This type of technique is not 100% hedged, and it is more complicated as we need to understand the characteristics and colleration of those currency pairs. This hedging strategy usually involves 2 or 3 currency pairs. For example, we Long EUR/USD, and Long USD/CHF. The idea is the same as above where we hedge USD. It would be likely that if EUR/USD goes up, and USD/CHF will come down. Therefore, we offset the losing trade USD/CHF with a profitable one EUR/USD. By holding on these two positions, we can collect the interest from both curreny pairs.
Choosing the currency pairs to hedge is important for this strategy. We need to understand the correlation among those pairs. There is aForum discussion on this correlation hedging strategy in details. However, you need to register (free) in order to access the forum.
Grid Strategy
The Grid Trading strategy is to open up two positions (Long and Short) at pre-determined distance price so that when the current price moves (in any direction), you close the profitable position, and re-open a new one with the same price and direction. You let the losing position stay (with no Stop Loss). When the price zig-zag around them, you will make a profit from this strategy.
Let's look at an example for GBPUSD pair with 20 pips distance. We assume that the current price is at 1.9600. We will create the LONG and SHORT limit orders at 1.9620, 1.9640, 1.9660, 1.9680, and 1.9700. At the same time, we will put the LONG and SHORT orders below the price at 1.9580, 1.9560, 1.9540, 1.9520, and 1.9500. Our target profit is 20 pips. When the price moves up, our upper limit LONG orders will get executed, and if it moves fast enough, it will hit our target profit too. We take profit at every 20 pips, and immediately re-open limit LONG orders at the same price. With all these order in place, if the prices moves back again, our SHORT orders will be executed, and take profit again at every 20 Pips. So if the price zig-zag between these price intervals (1.9500 to 1.9700), we will keep collecting profits. Note that we do not have a Stop Loss.
What if the price moves up and up, and does not retrace back. You will lose money in this situation. Worse still, you will probably have a margin call if you do not have enough money. This type of Grid strategy is good for ranging market, but no good for one way (strong) trending market.
There are quite a lot of other variety of Grid trading strategies such as you only Open Long orders above the current price and Short orders below the current price. Other will only open Long orders only, and no Short orders. Some others do not take profit and no stop loss, and they will take profit when overall positions are making money (at pre-determined target profit). In summary, you must know the current market situation, and apply the right Grid technique accordingly in order to make profit.
Martingle Strategy
The Martingle is a betting strategy made popular in 18th century France. The technique is to always double up when you lose until you win. For example, if you open 1 Lot GBPUSD Long at 1.9600, and put your Stop Loss at 1.9580. When the price hits your Stop Loss, you will open Long again with 2 Lots at 1.9680 with 20 pips Stop Loss (at 1.9560). If it hits your Stop Loss again, you will open Long with 4 Lots at 1.9560 with 20 Pips Stop Loss, and so on. If you keeps losing, you will keeps open the position with 8 Lost, 16 Lots, 31 Lots, etc. Based on the theory of probability, you will eventually win one time, and overal you still win. But you must be able to sustain the game with your big capital. If you do not, you will lose a lot of money. This type of Martingle strategy is very high risk.
Traders have been implementing a few variety of Martingle strategies to reduce the capital. One of the Martingle derived strategy is to put the Stop Loss at 20 Pips and Profit Target at 60 Pips. With these set-ups, you do not need to always double the Lots. For example, if you lose 2 trades consecutively with 1 Lot (40 Pips loss), and win the third trade with 1 Lot (60 Pips as our Target is 60 Pips), you still make 20 Pips profit. Notice that we only trade with 1 Lot. Other Martingle strategy will flip Long and Short. If you start with Long order and hit your Stop Loss, the next trade will be Short order, and the next will be Long again, and so on.
Scalping Strategy
Scalping is a strategy that you try to make a small profit (usually less than 10 pips) many times (with many trades) with small price changes, with each trade usually lasts in a few seconds or minutes. The strategy is used with the understanding that market is in consolidation pattern (side-way) most of the time before it moves into one direction. The best time to trade the scalping is usually during the time before London market opens, or after the US market closes.
The trade-off of scalping is that the reward/loss ratio does not seem to be attractive as you intend to make a very small profit by paying the spread of currency. However, once traders know the currency behavious, it seems to be easy to make a few pips many times than to try to profit from a big trend movement.
Another issue of scalping is with the broker. Most brokers do not like traders to scalp. You should check with the broker if they allow you to use the scalping strategy
Break-out Strategy
Forex break-out strategy seems to be opposite of the scalping strategy where you take the trade when there is a large price movement into a direction. Although Forex curreny price tends to move side-way most of the time, it will eventually moves into one direction. The idea is that once the current break-outs from its range (consolidation), it will have a big price movement into that direction. The best time to trade break-out is usually at the London market open, and London/US market closes.
Beside timimg, you can use other methods to identify the break-out. Most of the common ways to identify break-out are candlestick formation, chart pattern, news break, support-resistance, forex indicators (such as Bollinger Band) etc.
Swing Strategy
The concept of Swing trading is quite similar to Scalping technique except that you are using a bigger range for profit. Therefore, the Swing technique is more friendly to the brokers who does not allow Scalping.
Forex price moves upward and downward and sideway (consolidation) most of the time. The goal is indetify the low and high while the price fluctuates between the range. We then apply the most common technique where you buy low, sell high, and sell high, buy low.
News Trading Strategy
During significant news release (mostly economic news), the currency will have a large movement. Before news realease, we can put a Long (Buy-Stop) order above the current price, and a Short (Sell-Stop) order at certain distance. Once the news release, no matter where the price moves, as long as it moves into one direction, one of our order will be executed. We will then cancel out the other order. As the price moves a lot, we will make a huge profit from this simple strategy.
However, if the price have a big swing up and down and later consolidate, your two pending orders will be executed. You will probably lose both orders. In this case, your risk is low as you are hedged in both direction. But if the price moves into one direction, the profit is huge if you are successful. That is why a lot of traders who like to trade news.
There are some traders who only trade during news release as they claim that it is easy to make money during that time. However, the News Trading strategy has one caveat. Most brokers do not like you to trade during news release. Brokers will increase the spread (sometimes up to 30 to 40 pips), or they freeze your screen during significant news release. Thare is a reason why brokers have to do this. Please read the article Structure of Forex Borkers to find out the reason. In fact, most of the traders' complains about brokers relate to the news trading.
Carry Trade Strategy
Carry Trade strategy is to take advantage of the different interest between two currencies. The idea is to sell the curreny in a relatively lower interest rate, and use it to buy a currency with a high interest rate. For example, taking a Long position of AUD/JPY will earn an interest as AUD interest rate is 7%, and JPY interest rate is 0.5%. At the same time, traders will push the AUD currency high as more demand on the AUD dollars and push JPY currency low as most people sell it. This Carry Trade strategy will be used when the (Financial) market is in stable conditions.
Most traders will use JPY yen as a carry trade as it is popular for low interest rate. Besides, Japanese government does not have intention to strengthen the Yen.
The risk of the Carry Trade is the uncertainty of exchange rate and un-winding. For example, traders will slowly accumulating interest day by day, and push the AUDJPY high for about 6 months. When it is unwinding (reversing the direction), AUDJPY can possibly drop to the original position in a month.
Support and Resistance Strategy
Support and Resistance is probably one of the most important indicator in Forex Trading. As we know, it is impossible for Forex curreny price to move up forever. Forex curreny price tends to swing up and down (either small or big interval). With this characteristics, we can identify support (bottom position) and resistance (top position). If the swing is big enough, there will be a few supports and resistances between the highest and lowest points.
The idea is to buy at the support and sell at the resistance because the price will usually reverse during those levels. Besides using the price of the low and high to form the support and resistance, the most popular indicator to create support/resistance is Fibonacci where it forms the support and resistance at levels 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 78.6%, 1.27%, 2.618% of the two points (high and low). Other indicators to serve as support/resistance are Pivot Points, Moving Average, etc.
The price action of the support/resistance is probably more important than all other indicators. There is no necessary to use all support/resistance indicators in your trading. You use only the ones that you feel comfortable.
Attractive Hedging Strategy for Forex Trading Using Binary Options
We Forex Traders are all too familiar with the dreaded stop-loss zone and the testing of the breakout point that results in us being shaken out of our trade and forced to choose lower and lower stop-loss points. We get tested to the point of exhaustion of these tiring stop-loss point shake-outs when we re-enter the same breakout point. It is in this dreaded stop-loss zone and encountering stop-loss shake-outs that we often encounter failure in our Forex trading strategies. We know the breakout is most likely to fail below the breakout point, but is there a way to cover ourselves from this failure? The answer lies in using a Binary Options Hedging Strategy.
Hedging using Binary Options shifts the risk from the stop-loss zone to the area above the breakout point, where the prices are more likely to rise and where the breakout is less likely to fail (attributed to the properties of trader momentum). And it is relatively simple to do:
To exemplify a hedging strategy, Trader Smith places a trade of 1 mini lot EURJPY long, when its price crosses his breakout point of $1.36. Should the EURJPY test this breakout point before he exits this trade, Trader Smith will place a $100 binary option trade in the opposite direction. What this does is shift his original breakout point lower, similar to a stop-loss, such that Trader Smith is now profitable as long as a failure of the EURJPY breakout point does not leave Trader Smith’s Forex account with greater than a $70 loss. If Trader Smith incurs more than a $70 loss in his Forex account, then he immediately would exit the EURJPY position.
What this hedging strategy just did is effectively shift the risk of breakout failure from the point below the breakout to the point above the breakout. The nice part about this hedging strategy is that most breakouts are often tested slightly below the breakout point, yet with this hedging strategy we protect ourselves right in the area below the breakout point. The result is that we are then not getting worn out relying on the use of stop-loss points lower and lower than the breakout point, as we all too commonly do as Forex traders. And the best part of this strategy is that the risk has been shifted to the area above the breakout point (our Forex trade must make at least $85 profit in order to cover the binary option loss). So long as the breakout has not failed, we will more than likely cover this hedge. The golden rule that the breakout is most likely to fail below the breakout point has now been hedged against:
Forex Hedging Strategy that guarantee profi
You will need two brokers for this type of strategy:
For the broker that pay interest:
You can use anyone out there.
We all use the same broker because we are very happy with their service. we also get $1 rebate per round lot.
trade 1: buy 1 lot gbpjpy and collect around $22/day
For the broker that does not charge interest:
We all have accounts with this broker and very happy so far. I have account with them since last year.
Not too many brokers out there allow interest free.
You just have to know who to talk to. Be careful, there are lots of scam out there.
Do google search first on the broker or ask referral before open accounts with them.
trade 2: sell 1 lot gbpjpy and pay no interest charge.
The idea is to hold these two positions as long as you can.
We don't care what direction gbpjpy goes. We just make money off the interest, daily.
But you must constantly trade on the interest free broker to make the broker happy.
The broker makes their money on the spread. Since they already loose money for not charging us interest. We need to trade everyday and make even more money. We have a way to this. We call it triple hedging. At the end, everyone is happy :-)
Some of our friends started out small like $1000 on each account.
It does not take long before they deposit more and more money into their accounts.
For the broker that pay interest:
You can use anyone out there.
We all use the same broker because we are very happy with their service. we also get $1 rebate per round lot.
trade 1: buy 1 lot gbpjpy and collect around $22/day
For the broker that does not charge interest:
We all have accounts with this broker and very happy so far. I have account with them since last year.
Not too many brokers out there allow interest free.
You just have to know who to talk to. Be careful, there are lots of scam out there.
Do google search first on the broker or ask referral before open accounts with them.
trade 2: sell 1 lot gbpjpy and pay no interest charge.
The idea is to hold these two positions as long as you can.
We don't care what direction gbpjpy goes. We just make money off the interest, daily.
But you must constantly trade on the interest free broker to make the broker happy.
The broker makes their money on the spread. Since they already loose money for not charging us interest. We need to trade everyday and make even more money. We have a way to this. We call it triple hedging. At the end, everyone is happy :-)
Some of our friends started out small like $1000 on each account.
It does not take long before they deposit more and more money into their accounts.
Forex Hedging Strategies
Trading in the Forex market can provide you with good returns, but it also comes with a fair amount of risk. If you are concerned about the amount of risk that you are taking on trading in the Forex market, there are some strategies that you can use to minimize the risk to your trades. One way to minimize risk is to get involved with hedging strategies.
Forex Hedging
Hedging is a strategy that involves taking a position in the opposite direction of a trade that you’re in. This minimizes the chances of a market reversal hurting you financially. In many cases, this can be done by using a pending order in your trading platform.
For example, if you are in a buy trade in the EUR/JPY pair and you’re worried that the market could reverse, you could place a pending sell order on the same pair. This way, if the market reverses and the price hits the threshold at which you placed the pending order, the market will trigger your order. At that point, the sell order will start making money and you can close out your original buy order. Even if you don’t close out the buy order, the new order will offset any losses that it creates.
Another way to hedge your bets in the Forex market is to take out an option contract. An option contract gives you the chance to buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price, but you don’t have to if you decide against it. To get an option contract, you will have to pay a nominal option fee to the owner of the currency pair that you want to buy or sell. Then if you decide to exercise the contract, you can buy or sell the currency pair at that time. If the currency pair keeps moving in the right direction, you can simply let the option contract expire and you won’t have to worry about it.
Implementing the Strategy
If you plan on hedging in the Forex market, you will need to continually monitor your strategy to make sure that it is working. If you don’t pay attention to your trades, it could end up costing you in the long run. You have to make sure that the option contract is executed at the right time or that your original trade is closed out. Otherwise, you might end up throwing money away because you aren’t paying attention to the market.
In some cases, hedging your investments may not be productive. If you have to pay too much for an option premium, the cost may end up eating into your profitability overall. Before you take out any option contracts or use any other hedging methods, make sure that they are truly necessary in that you feel comfortable with them. Otherwise, your edging methods may be counterproductive in the long run. It makes sense to try out any hedging methods that you want to employ on a demo account first, so that you get comfortable with them. Contact a LucrorFX specialist today for consultation.
Forex Hedging
Hedging is a strategy that involves taking a position in the opposite direction of a trade that you’re in. This minimizes the chances of a market reversal hurting you financially. In many cases, this can be done by using a pending order in your trading platform.
For example, if you are in a buy trade in the EUR/JPY pair and you’re worried that the market could reverse, you could place a pending sell order on the same pair. This way, if the market reverses and the price hits the threshold at which you placed the pending order, the market will trigger your order. At that point, the sell order will start making money and you can close out your original buy order. Even if you don’t close out the buy order, the new order will offset any losses that it creates.
Another way to hedge your bets in the Forex market is to take out an option contract. An option contract gives you the chance to buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price, but you don’t have to if you decide against it. To get an option contract, you will have to pay a nominal option fee to the owner of the currency pair that you want to buy or sell. Then if you decide to exercise the contract, you can buy or sell the currency pair at that time. If the currency pair keeps moving in the right direction, you can simply let the option contract expire and you won’t have to worry about it.
Implementing the Strategy
If you plan on hedging in the Forex market, you will need to continually monitor your strategy to make sure that it is working. If you don’t pay attention to your trades, it could end up costing you in the long run. You have to make sure that the option contract is executed at the right time or that your original trade is closed out. Otherwise, you might end up throwing money away because you aren’t paying attention to the market.
In some cases, hedging your investments may not be productive. If you have to pay too much for an option premium, the cost may end up eating into your profitability overall. Before you take out any option contracts or use any other hedging methods, make sure that they are truly necessary in that you feel comfortable with them. Otherwise, your edging methods may be counterproductive in the long run. It makes sense to try out any hedging methods that you want to employ on a demo account first, so that you get comfortable with them. Contact a LucrorFX specialist today for consultation.
日期 | 事件 |
5月1日 | 澳洲联储宣布降息50基点,至3.75% |
6月5日 | 澳洲联储宣布降息25个基点,至3.50% |
10月2日 | 澳洲联储宣布降息25个基点,至3.25% |
12月4日 | 澳洲联储宣布降息25个基点,至3.00% |
日期 | (北京)时间 | 事件 |
2013-2-5 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-2-8 | 8:30:00 | 货币政策声明 |
2013-2-19 | 8:30:00 | 公布2月会议纪要 |
2013-3-5 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-3-19 | 8:30:00 | 公布3月会议纪要 |
2013-4-2 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-4-16 | 8:30:00 | 公布4月会议纪要 |
2013-5-7 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-5-10 | 9:30:00 | 货币政策声明 |
2013-5-21 | 9:30:00 | 公布5月会议纪要 |
2013-6-4 | 12:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-6-18 | 9:30:00 | 公布6月会议纪要 |
2013-7-2 | 12:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-7-16 | 9:30:00 | 公布7月会议纪要 |
2013-8-6 | 12:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-8-9 | 9:30:00 | 货币政策声明 |
2013-8-20 | 9:30:00 | 公布8月会议纪要 |
2013-9-3 | 12:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-9-17 | 9:30:00 | 公布9月会议纪要 |
2013-10-1 | 12:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-10-15 | 9:30:00 | 公布10月会议纪要 |
2013-11-5 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-11-8 | 8:30:00 | 货币政策声明 |
2013-11-19 | 8:30:00 | 公布11月会议纪要 |
2013-12-3 | 11:30:00 | 利率决定 |
2013-12-17 | 8:30:00 | 公布12月会议纪要 |
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