香港及其他地方的投資者正因為資產價格持續下跌,損失慘重。如果《南華早報》還有地產版,不妨查一查樓價,正如你每日查看股價一樣,許多人定必感到震驚!在大跌市下,本倉投資組合亦無可幸免,但各位無須擔心,只要你能確保把錢投資在既安全又優質的股票上。記緊要剷除你一無所知的「垃圾」資產,例如 ETF,這個市值二萬億美元的市場,已步向爆煲邊緣。
以下,我想與你分享一點生活的智慧,出自二十年代,著名的美國作家艾文斯( Max Ehrmann),希望能令你提起精神,保持開朗的心境!
Socrates: Where are you ? Millman: Here............ Socrates: What time is it ? Millman: Now.......... Socrates: What are you ? Millman: This moment.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
聯儲局主席伯南克周三表示,如果經濟持續好轉,將從今年稍晚開始縮減購債,並在 2014 年中完全退出量化寬鬆( QE)。嚇到全球股市腳軟。杜指上周三周四連插兩日,累積跌幅560點!至周五才喘定,收市反彈43點,收14801點,標普500指數漲4點,報1593點。杜指上周跌1.8%,標普500指數挫跌2.1%。
美股上週五反彈,除了此前兩日跌得太急勁,有撈底盤入市搏反彈外,「伯南克御用記者」希爾森拉什(Jon Hilsenrath) 在《華爾街日報》撰文表示市場可能忽略了伯南克發出的一些溫和派訊號,誤解了其傳遞的訊息。佢話盡管聯儲局「收水」這種可能性是存在的,但當局要在很久以後才會上調短期利率。希爾森拉什的文章出街後,美股在午後開始反彈。
事實上,伯南克對「收水」的決定,不單止出乎市場意料之外,連聯儲局內的官員都有點詫異。素以反對QE而聞名的鷹派,聖路易斯聯儲總裁布拉德(James Bullard) ,上周五解釋他為什麼對聯儲局的最新決定,投了反對票。他表示,聯儲局選擇公佈縮減買債的時間非常糟糕,聯儲局應該等到經濟好轉有「更確鑿證據」、通貨膨脹率向下趨勢停止的時候再公佈該計劃。
有「末日博士」之稱的麥嘉華(Marc Faber)接受《CNBC》訪問時指出,美股「還有下跌空間」,警告股民切勿追高。麥嘉華指出,除了聯儲局將逐步縮減QE外,還有許多因素拖累大市向下。其中包括利率持續上升。美國 30 年期、10 年期政府公債殖利率自去年七月觸底反彈上升至今,一年來利率一直呈現上揚態勢。此外,他認為中國現時的經濟看來比官方數據還要悲觀許多。中國全年經濟成長率目前可能實際只係以 4% 的速率增長。沒有了支持的信貸的巨幅擴張,中國經濟好難見到增長。其它新興經濟體,也可能要迎接一個成長率放緩現象。
死傷難免 根基不變
死傷難免 根基不變
旨在教訓銀行 卻存矛盾
錯誤改革 恐變真正危機
旨在教訓銀行 卻存矛盾
錯誤改革 恐變真正危機
C. 1994年股改,將國企的壞資產抽離,好人好姐地上市,以中石油(857)為例,2000年4月以1.27元上市,曾高逾20元,近月雖回至八元區,但仍較上市價高,但A股就全不一樣,上市價16.7元人民幣,但近日只得回八元人民幣,原因之一是國企營運只是壟斷性,未現市場性。
C. 1994年股改,將國企的壞資產抽離,好人好姐地上市,以中石油(857)為例,2000年4月以1.27元上市,曾高逾20元,近月雖回至八元區,但仍較上市價高,但A股就全不一樣,上市價16.7元人民幣,但近日只得回八元人民幣,原因之一是國企營運只是壟斷性,未現市場性。
Thursday, June 13, 2013
退市陰影 亞幣最傷
退市陰影 亞幣最傷
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Analysis of Global Investment Limited (Non-REIT)
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Current Price = $0.16
Current Yield = 9.38%
Price-to-book Ratio = 0.708
Assets per unit = $0.255
Debt per unit = $0.026 (including current liabilities)
Gearing = 10.2%
Secured NAV = $0.169Global Investment Limited has announced its results which are quite favourable except for their proposed rights issue. At current price, it is already 9.26% with a favourable price-to-book ratio. Its secured NAV (according to my estimation) is also at $0.169 which is higher than its trading price.
This pricing is a response to the rights issue where it drops from $0.17. I just thought that it is quite unnecessary for raise more funds at this juncture because it will dilute the NAV and secured NAV as well. Moreover, they said that they will be in a position to seize opportunities that comes along the way does not really appeal me. I don't know when it will happen. If there is a delay, our dividends might be affected.
Just a quick data on how it looks like after rights issue. Price will be $0.155
Current Yield = 9.67%
Price-to-book Ratio = 0.767
Assets per unit = $0.223
Debt per unit = $0.018 (including current liabilities)
Gearing = 8.3%
Secured NAV = $0.161
Nevertheless, it may seem to be an opportunity to buy on weakness since its trading price is below secured NAV. I am heavily exposed to this counter already (having 157,000 shares) so I will just look forward to securing its rights and apply for excess. I look at it in totality and it still seems a good deal.
Impact of higher interest expenses on distributions
Exposure to interest rate risk. A hike in borrowing rates would increase interest expense via the REIT’s exposure to floating interest rates. S-REITs’ sensitivity to interest rates hikes is dependent on 2 main factors – their gearing level and the % of interest costs that is hedged into fixed rates. As a general observation, we note that most S-REITs have hedged at least 50% of their debt and have also diversified their sources of funding.
Long debt maturity profile limits re-financing risk. The sector will be renewing 7% and 14% of its debt in FY13F and 14F respectively, which we believe is not excessive, when compared to the total indebtedness of the sector.
We note that FEHT, Cache, SGREIT and FCOT have 0% of debt expiring in FY13 and FY14, and REITs with >50% of debt expiring in FY13 and FY14 are CDREIT, MINT, CREIT and CRCT.
Long debt maturity profile limits re-financing risk. The sector will be renewing 7% and 14% of its debt in FY13F and 14F respectively, which we believe is not excessive, when compared to the total indebtedness of the sector.
We note that FEHT, Cache, SGREIT and FCOT have 0% of debt expiring in FY13 and FY14, and REITs with >50% of debt expiring in FY13 and FY14 are CDREIT, MINT, CREIT and CRCT.
What Is the Impact of Rising Rates?
Market view: Re-emerging concerns of a conclusion to QE and cheap funding have led to an increasing focus on the risk of rising interest rates.
Our view: We think a rise in short rates in 2015 does not pose an immediate threat to borrowing costs, which are generally well hedged. Rising long rates could be coincident with further yield compression, especially if growth prospects improve.
Borrowing Cost Impact: Hedged Short end of curve not rising as much: US 10-year government bond yields have expanded 35bps YTD to 2.1%.
Our US interest rate strategy team expects further expansion to 2.29% by 4Q13 and 2.46% by 1Q14. Yet at the shorter end of the curve, 3-month US treasury yields are still ~0.05%. Our US economics team expects the benchmarked Fed Funds Rate to remain at 0.15% through 2014.
Singapore interest rates could show a similar trend, given how they track US rates to achieve interest rate parity. Singapore 10-year government bond yields have mirrored the US increase, rising 53bps YTD to 1.8%, and our ASEAN economics team sees shorter term 3M-SIBOR holding at 0.4% through 2014. 3M-SIBOR is the benchmark rate lenders tend to use, and the risk of that rising seems muted in the near term.
Borrowing cost exposure well hedged: Since the GFC, REITs have spread out debt maturities to reduce funding risks.
They have also been locking in fixed rates in anticipation of an eventual interest rate rise. REITs under our coverage have ~70% of debt hedged against interest rate exposure, and ~20% is due for refinancing each year. What this means is that when borrowing costs do rise, the impact is likely relatively muted – we estimate the immediate impact of a 1ppt rise is ~3% on div/shr, and 9% eventually, spread over the maturity of fixed-rate debt and swaps.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Analysis of Sabana REIT
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Current Price on 19th Apr 2013 = $1.37
Current Yield = 7.04%
Price-to-book Ratio = 1.262
Assets per unit = $1.794
Debt per unit = $0.708 (including current liabilities)
Gearing = 39.5%Sabana REIT has published its results which pushes its price up to $1.37 which is fantastic. Despite being at high price, its yield is still at 7.04% which is good. But its price-to-book ratio is also very high at 1.262.
Comparing to its peers, AIMSAMP REIT seems a better deal as its yield is very close and it has a better price-to-book ratio. Nevertheless this is still a good deal for its yield.
I remember missing this when I tried to buy at $1.20. Somehow I have forgotten about it and let it slip to this price. Again I regretted it. Well, I will need to be more focused and do my analysis more regularly. (Have been busy at work). I will be thinking about this and weigh it against AIMSAMP REIT, Rickmers, Global Investment Limited, and Religare to see which one is the best to enter.
Understanding Singapore REITS – REIT Categories
Before we begin, let’s start with the definition of REITs. REITs are corporate entities which invest primarily in real estate and have various tax benefits. To qualify for the tax benefits, a REIT is required to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to unit holders. This rule is very important as since most of the profits are paid out as dividends, REITs do not retain much of the profits for debt redemptions, asset enhancement initiatives (AEIs) or acquisitions.
The first thing to understand about Singapore REITs (SREITs) is that they invest in different types of properties. The classes of properties include office, retail, office/retail hybrids, industrial, healthcare, hospitality and residential. Each class is very different from one another, and have varying rental yields, defensiveness of rentals, prospects for rental increases, Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) periods, leverage ratios and so on.
Healthcare REITS – Very High Defensiveness / Medium Dividend Yields / Very Long WALE
Examples: Parkway Life REIT, First REIT
Healthcare REITs are the most defensive REITs on the Singapore Stock Exchange. However, there are only 2 healthcare REITs listed currently: Parkway and First. Healthcare REITs have extremely long leases with hospitals, ranging from 10-20 year leases. These leases may also have guaranteed rental increases built in, hence the upside for these REITs are also guaranteed regardless of the economic environment.
Healthcare is a basic necessity which cannot be foregone no matter how bad the economy is as people still need to go to hospitals and see doctors. First REIT focuses on Indonesian hospitals; however, the rentals are denominated in Singapore Dollars, so there is little foreign exchange risk. Healthcare REITs should be a part of everybody’s stock portfolio.
Industrial REITS (General Industrials / Warehousing) – Medium Defensiveness / High Dividend Yields / Long WALE
Examples: Ascendas REITs, Cache Logistics Trust, Cambridge Industrial Trust, Mapletree Logistics Trust, Mapletree Industrial Trust, Sabana REIT.
Industrial REITs are a good balance of defensiveness and high dividend yields of between 6%-10%. Industrial REITs can be loosely categorized into 2 types: general industrial properties and warehousing properties. REITs like Cambridge Industrial Trust, Mapletree Industrial Trust are more focused on general industrial properties, which are mostly used for manufacturing purposes. REITs like Cache, Mapletree Logistics Trust are focused on warehousing properties which typically serve logistics purposes.
The difference between the two usually lies in the WALE. Warehousing trusts typically have longer WALEs of 5 years or longer, while general industrial REITs may have WALEs of 3-4 years. Warehousing trusts are therefore usually more resilient, but the tradeoff is rentals are locked in for longer periods, and hence they may not be able to take advantage of a rising rental environment.
Retail REITS – High Defensiveness / Medium Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: CapitaMall Trust, Fraser Centerpoint Trust, LippoMall (Indonesia Only)
Retail REITs are very defensive, in particular the REITs which are purely suburban mall plays such as Fraser Centerpoint Trust. Even in a downturn, shoppers still need to go shopping and buy their daily necessities, eat and watch movies etc.
Typical dividend yields for retail REITs stand at about 5%-7%. What you give up in yields, you get in terms of resilience of rentals and hence stable distributions. For investors who are highly risk-averse, retail REITs are one of the top choices. In fact, even during the 2008/2009 period, retail rentals did not really drop and occupancy rate remained high for most of the shopping malls.
It is also quite easy to determine the performance of the properties under the REITs, you just go shopping in them! There’s nothing better than a physical site inspection to ensure the malls are well run, have brisk business for tenants, crowd traffic is good and so on. Retail REITs also tend to benefit a lot from asset enhancement initiatives (AEI) as seen from the recent asset enhancements at Causway Point to update the mall and make it more attractive, bringing more visitors and raising the rentals as well.
Office REITS – Low-Medium Defensiveness / Medium-High Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: Frasers Commercial Trust, CapitaCommercial Trust, Keppel REIT
Office REITs are generally one of the least defensive REITs you can invest in. Office assets typically suffer from oversupply in Singapore. Suitable office locations are mushrooming all around Singapore and many companies these days may not see the need to be located in the city.
Even Grade A offices may lose substantial tenants as many companies choose to cut costs when the rental gets too expensive in the city center. Another factor to consider is that many of the tenants in the city are European/American financial companies which are bearing the brunt of this 2008-2011 financial crisis, hence downsizing is possible. In the 2008/2009 financial crisis, office rental yields dropped substantially, affecting distributions dramatically.
Retail / Office Hybrid REITS – Medium-High Defensiveness / Medium-High Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: Mapletree Commercial Trust, Starhill REIT, Suntec REIT
As the name suggests, these REITs are typically integrated developments which have both offices (and sometimes residential) on top of the shopping mall like Vivocity, Suntec etc. Depending on how much of the rental is derived from the office versus the shopping mall, the defensiveness and yields lie in between that of offices and retail.
Mapletree Commercial Trust has Vivocity as the key asset, Starhill has Takashimaya and Wisma Atria and Suntec REIT has Suntec Convention Center and Shopping Mall. Hybrid REITs are good to own especially if you have limited capital as the REIT itself already benefits from being diversified with Retail/Office/Residential assets. You get defensive qualities of the retail and still enjoy large upside on office rentals when the economy booms.
Hospitality REITS – Low Defensiveness / High Dividend Yields / Low WALE
Examples: Ascott REIT, CDL Hospitality Trust
Hospitality REITs are typically made up of hotels and serviced residences. These REITs are probably the most cyclical of all the REITs as hotel occupancy rates are based on tourist arrivals.
Ascott REIT has a large percentage of its portfolio worldwide and is thus more subject to the global economy. CDL Hospitality Trust on the other hand is more focused on Singapore hotels. Given the huge boost in tourist arrivals from the two Casinos, first F1 night race in the world and many other initiatives, tourist arrivals to Singapore look poised to continue booming.
However, a global downturn may dampen tourism as well. For CDL Hospitality in particular, it does not make sense to look at WALE, but at average occupancy rates and average room rates as key metrics instead. Both are key beneficiaries if global tourism industry is to improve.
Residential REITS – Low-Medium Defensiveness / Low-High Dividend Yields / Short WALE
Example: Saizen REIT (Japan Only)
Saizen REIT is the only pure play residential REIT listed on the Singapore exchange. My experience with Singapore rental properties that lease expiry profiles are low, with many tenants leaving after the 1 year contract is up. With the high tenant turnover in residential properties in Singapore, I hardly think they make good investments for REITs. Hence Saizen REIT only invests in Japanese residential properties.
While I am not familiar with Japanese properties, what I hear is that many Japanese do not have the means to buy houses and hence may rent a house for most of their lives, unlike Singaporeans who can buy affordable HDBs. However, Saizen has defaulted on a loan before, incurring extremely high default costs. You should study the REIT very carefully if you are interested.
SREITs Summary
So in summary, ranking by various qualities:
Defensiveness (From Highest to Lowest) – Healthcare, Retail, Retail/Office Hybrid, Industrial, Office, Residential, Hospitality
Dividend Yields (From Highest to Lowest) – Hospitality, Residential, Office, Industrial, Retail/Office Hybrid, Retail, Healthcar
Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) (From Highest to Lowest) – Healthcare, Industrial, Retail, Retail/Office Hybrid, Office, Residential, Hospitality
You can see dividend yield is pretty much inversely correlated to defensiveness.
Please note that this is just a general guide as REITs may have different risk levels due to other factors like strong sponsors, access to capital, debt rating, leverage ratio, quality of management, location of properties and so on.
Further analysis is required to understand the REITs before investing. Different categories of REITs offer different qualities you may be interested in. A good portfolio should always be diversified with different kinds of REITs. Now that you understand the categories better, you can tweak your portfolio percentages based on your risk profile. For example, if you are more risk adverse, you may want to have a higher percentage of your portfolio in healthcare and retail. If you are willing to take more risks, you may want to have a higher percentage of your portfolio in industrial, office and hospitality.
The first thing to understand about Singapore REITs (SREITs) is that they invest in different types of properties. The classes of properties include office, retail, office/retail hybrids, industrial, healthcare, hospitality and residential. Each class is very different from one another, and have varying rental yields, defensiveness of rentals, prospects for rental increases, Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) periods, leverage ratios and so on.
Healthcare REITS – Very High Defensiveness / Medium Dividend Yields / Very Long WALE
Examples: Parkway Life REIT, First REIT
Healthcare REITs are the most defensive REITs on the Singapore Stock Exchange. However, there are only 2 healthcare REITs listed currently: Parkway and First. Healthcare REITs have extremely long leases with hospitals, ranging from 10-20 year leases. These leases may also have guaranteed rental increases built in, hence the upside for these REITs are also guaranteed regardless of the economic environment.
Healthcare is a basic necessity which cannot be foregone no matter how bad the economy is as people still need to go to hospitals and see doctors. First REIT focuses on Indonesian hospitals; however, the rentals are denominated in Singapore Dollars, so there is little foreign exchange risk. Healthcare REITs should be a part of everybody’s stock portfolio.
Industrial REITS (General Industrials / Warehousing) – Medium Defensiveness / High Dividend Yields / Long WALE
Examples: Ascendas REITs, Cache Logistics Trust, Cambridge Industrial Trust, Mapletree Logistics Trust, Mapletree Industrial Trust, Sabana REIT.
Industrial REITs are a good balance of defensiveness and high dividend yields of between 6%-10%. Industrial REITs can be loosely categorized into 2 types: general industrial properties and warehousing properties. REITs like Cambridge Industrial Trust, Mapletree Industrial Trust are more focused on general industrial properties, which are mostly used for manufacturing purposes. REITs like Cache, Mapletree Logistics Trust are focused on warehousing properties which typically serve logistics purposes.
The difference between the two usually lies in the WALE. Warehousing trusts typically have longer WALEs of 5 years or longer, while general industrial REITs may have WALEs of 3-4 years. Warehousing trusts are therefore usually more resilient, but the tradeoff is rentals are locked in for longer periods, and hence they may not be able to take advantage of a rising rental environment.
Retail REITS – High Defensiveness / Medium Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: CapitaMall Trust, Fraser Centerpoint Trust, LippoMall (Indonesia Only)
Retail REITs are very defensive, in particular the REITs which are purely suburban mall plays such as Fraser Centerpoint Trust. Even in a downturn, shoppers still need to go shopping and buy their daily necessities, eat and watch movies etc.
Typical dividend yields for retail REITs stand at about 5%-7%. What you give up in yields, you get in terms of resilience of rentals and hence stable distributions. For investors who are highly risk-averse, retail REITs are one of the top choices. In fact, even during the 2008/2009 period, retail rentals did not really drop and occupancy rate remained high for most of the shopping malls.
It is also quite easy to determine the performance of the properties under the REITs, you just go shopping in them! There’s nothing better than a physical site inspection to ensure the malls are well run, have brisk business for tenants, crowd traffic is good and so on. Retail REITs also tend to benefit a lot from asset enhancement initiatives (AEI) as seen from the recent asset enhancements at Causway Point to update the mall and make it more attractive, bringing more visitors and raising the rentals as well.
Office REITS – Low-Medium Defensiveness / Medium-High Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: Frasers Commercial Trust, CapitaCommercial Trust, Keppel REIT
Office REITs are generally one of the least defensive REITs you can invest in. Office assets typically suffer from oversupply in Singapore. Suitable office locations are mushrooming all around Singapore and many companies these days may not see the need to be located in the city.
Even Grade A offices may lose substantial tenants as many companies choose to cut costs when the rental gets too expensive in the city center. Another factor to consider is that many of the tenants in the city are European/American financial companies which are bearing the brunt of this 2008-2011 financial crisis, hence downsizing is possible. In the 2008/2009 financial crisis, office rental yields dropped substantially, affecting distributions dramatically.
Retail / Office Hybrid REITS – Medium-High Defensiveness / Medium-High Dividend Yields / Medium WALE
Examples: Mapletree Commercial Trust, Starhill REIT, Suntec REIT
As the name suggests, these REITs are typically integrated developments which have both offices (and sometimes residential) on top of the shopping mall like Vivocity, Suntec etc. Depending on how much of the rental is derived from the office versus the shopping mall, the defensiveness and yields lie in between that of offices and retail.
Mapletree Commercial Trust has Vivocity as the key asset, Starhill has Takashimaya and Wisma Atria and Suntec REIT has Suntec Convention Center and Shopping Mall. Hybrid REITs are good to own especially if you have limited capital as the REIT itself already benefits from being diversified with Retail/Office/Residential assets. You get defensive qualities of the retail and still enjoy large upside on office rentals when the economy booms.
Hospitality REITS – Low Defensiveness / High Dividend Yields / Low WALE
Examples: Ascott REIT, CDL Hospitality Trust
Hospitality REITs are typically made up of hotels and serviced residences. These REITs are probably the most cyclical of all the REITs as hotel occupancy rates are based on tourist arrivals.
Ascott REIT has a large percentage of its portfolio worldwide and is thus more subject to the global economy. CDL Hospitality Trust on the other hand is more focused on Singapore hotels. Given the huge boost in tourist arrivals from the two Casinos, first F1 night race in the world and many other initiatives, tourist arrivals to Singapore look poised to continue booming.
However, a global downturn may dampen tourism as well. For CDL Hospitality in particular, it does not make sense to look at WALE, but at average occupancy rates and average room rates as key metrics instead. Both are key beneficiaries if global tourism industry is to improve.
Residential REITS – Low-Medium Defensiveness / Low-High Dividend Yields / Short WALE
Example: Saizen REIT (Japan Only)
Saizen REIT is the only pure play residential REIT listed on the Singapore exchange. My experience with Singapore rental properties that lease expiry profiles are low, with many tenants leaving after the 1 year contract is up. With the high tenant turnover in residential properties in Singapore, I hardly think they make good investments for REITs. Hence Saizen REIT only invests in Japanese residential properties.
While I am not familiar with Japanese properties, what I hear is that many Japanese do not have the means to buy houses and hence may rent a house for most of their lives, unlike Singaporeans who can buy affordable HDBs. However, Saizen has defaulted on a loan before, incurring extremely high default costs. You should study the REIT very carefully if you are interested.
SREITs Summary
So in summary, ranking by various qualities:
Defensiveness (From Highest to Lowest) – Healthcare, Retail, Retail/Office Hybrid, Industrial, Office, Residential, Hospitality
Dividend Yields (From Highest to Lowest) – Hospitality, Residential, Office, Industrial, Retail/Office Hybrid, Retail, Healthcar
Weighted Average Lease Expiry (WALE) (From Highest to Lowest) – Healthcare, Industrial, Retail, Retail/Office Hybrid, Office, Residential, Hospitality
You can see dividend yield is pretty much inversely correlated to defensiveness.
Please note that this is just a general guide as REITs may have different risk levels due to other factors like strong sponsors, access to capital, debt rating, leverage ratio, quality of management, location of properties and so on.
Further analysis is required to understand the REITs before investing. Different categories of REITs offer different qualities you may be interested in. A good portfolio should always be diversified with different kinds of REITs. Now that you understand the categories better, you can tweak your portfolio percentages based on your risk profile. For example, if you are more risk adverse, you may want to have a higher percentage of your portfolio in healthcare and retail. If you are willing to take more risks, you may want to have a higher percentage of your portfolio in industrial, office and hospitality.
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