My Time

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Positive Self Talk for Positive Living

How is your self talk? Your words are powerful and they can be used to build a person up or tear a person down, and that includes the words that you say to yourself. If your best friend talked to you the way you talk to yourself, how often would you want to be around the person?

I want to share this free self talk audio with you today to help you break free of those negative self talk patterns and get into a positive, creative, powerful self talk cycle. (you can also click on the ‘smart talk’ graphic)

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

God gave us a magnificent and amazing brain, and we have access to a very powerful tool which when used regularly will enhance our self-esteem, help us break through those limiting self-imposed beliefs, and raise the thermostat of our comfort zone. I have condensed the audio file into the following points.

1. Begin with a clear picture of the desired outcome

By that, I mean have a clear vision of the end result. For example, if you want to break out of the negative pattern “I am so scared to speak before a group of people” then you must create a different picture of being a calm, organized and confident speaker. Avoid dwelling on the question, “How am I going to do this?”

Your subconscious mind is very creative and once you lock on to a new thought, you will be pleasantly surprised at how the creative mind actually goes to work to help move you toward this new reality.

2. Make it personal and remain in first person “I “…

3. Be positive

Use a positive spin when saying and writing positive self talk affirmations as opposed to a negative approach. Let’s look at an example. In a positive state, you would say, “I am confident when speaking before large groups of people. I feel energized. I feel focused. I have clarity.” Now, compare that to a negative approach that might sound like this: “I’m not as nervous or scared as I used to be when speaking to groups of people.” Do you hear the difference?

4. Stay in the present tense

You want to keep the statement in the “now” moment, the present moment, for your subconscious mind to fully comprehend that this change is happening today. It’s not a “some day” thing. You want to avoid using words like “I can do this; I will do this; I should or I could.” Instead, you want to use empowering words: “I am a confident, dynamic, captivating, and powerful speaker when addressing groups of people.”

5. Keep it simple

Yes, KIS formula! Use short, powerful sentences for programming that new behavior in your subconscious mind.

6. It’s got to be believable to you and attainable. For example, if you are expanding your comfort zone to feel comfortable speaking to large groups of people, you first begin to focus on creating ease and comfort when speaking to small groups of people. Once there, you can then move on to speaking before larger groups of people.

7. Feel the emotions

You want to use words that really trigger your emotions when you speak your affirmations out loud. An example is to use the word “confident” in your self talk before stepping out before a group of people to give a talk. “I am confident and at ease when I address groups of people.”

8. Write affirmations to reinforce your self talk

Some people scoff at the idea of writing out affirmations but I think it makes good sense. Take out your 3×5 index cards. I happen to like the multicolored ones. Write each affirmation on a separate index card. Use a color for each theme or each area of your life For example, I really like to use pink cards for the area of relationships because I associate pink with the color of the heart. I like yellow for health and nutrition because that reminds me of the sun.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

9. Imprint the positive self talk on your mind

Imprinting is actually a very intentional action that you will take to read affirmations each morning and each evening upon awakening and before falling asleep. This is when your brain is most receptive and in the alpha state.

And as with any new habit, do this for 21 days. However, I like the number 40 because it’s right out of the Bible. Moses was in the desert for 40 days. Jesus was tempted for 40 days. So, for 40 consecutive days, read your affirmations every morning upon awakening and every night before you fall asleep. Take about 30 seconds for each affirmation. Read it. Close your eyes. Picture that end result. See the picture come to life. Enjoy all the vibrant colors in your mind and allow yourself to feel the emotion that goes with the affirmation. Breathe in deeply. Enjoy the moment. And then, go on to that next affirmation, and repeat the steps.

10. This last step may be the most challenging for some, and that is to BELIEVE.

Open your heart and your mind to the possibility that positive self talk will contribute to positive living. Expect to make positive changes in your life using these techniques. What have you got to lose? Try it! Forty days!

Studies show that, over a 21 day period, if you just read the affirmation, you can have a 10 percent impact on changing your negative self talk patterns. If you read the affirmation and picture the results of the affirmation, with vibrant colors and details, you’re looking at a 40 to 50 percent change in your self talk. And when you combine reading, picturing and feeling the emotion that goes with the affirmation, you increase your self talk pattern by an even greater percentage. The new self talk patterns then result in changed behavior.

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