My Time

Sunday, April 28, 2013



首先,你必須避開一窩蜂的炒賣狂熱,蘋果電腦便是一例!其股價已由每股七百美元,插水至三百九十美元。儘管如此,蘋果電腦仍然是全球第二大市值的企業!同時,請你幫自己一個忙,不要炒賣貨幣,即使是專家也經常「睇錯市」;況且,不久的將來,會爆發一場貨幣戰爭,局勢千變萬化。對於你一無所知的投資產品,更要敬而遠之,好似交易所買賣基金﹙ ETF﹚、商品、黃金、白銀、期貨或窩輪。如果他們有做槓桿,一旦插水,你可能一鋪清袋!

至於股票,當然要做足功課。本倉成分股可以做你投資的藍本,事關這些公司之所以「入圍」,事前都做足研究,其資產負債表皆擁有 AAA評級。業績期剛過,一如我所料,假如你撇除一次性收入,香港及中國股票去年的核心盈利令人失望。

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company to the proposed final dividend at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 26 April 2013, the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members of the Company will be closed on 13 May 2013 for the purpose of determining entitlements of ordinary shareholders to the tax exempt (one-tier) final dividend of S$0.05 per ordinary share (the “Final Dividend”) in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2012.

Duly completed registrable transfers received by the Company’s Share Registrar, Boardroom
Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd. at 50 Raffles Place, #32-01 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623, up to 5.00 p.m. on 10 May 2013 will be registered before
entitlements to the Final Dividends are determined.
Members whose securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte) Limited are credited with the Company’s ordinary shares as at 5.00 p.m. on 10 May 2013 will be entitled to the Final

Payment of the Final Dividend, if approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting, will
be made on 21 May 2013.

By Order of the Board
Ren Yuanlin
23 April 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

王澤基教授 ACPE介紹 3


恆生指數 三年 ACPE (ADJUSTED CYCLIC PE) =13下注 70%,買

若再跌ACPE (ADJUSTED CYCLIC PE) =10下注 30%,買

以後 ACPE (ADJUS ...


把過去 3 年 HSI 獲利 的$, 加起來 除以三, = 1447.3

再乘 13 = 18814.9

(本波未跌到 ACPE =10 --->14473), HSI 就反彈了

(此方法 可下大單, 不會害怕, 不必看盤, 適合 上班族, AND 適合像我 --選股白痴, 不必研究公司基本面.....
產業分析.............. )

寧可錯過不可做錯 金融教授王澤基 投資第一守則


從金融才俊到大學教授,王澤基直言如欲投資賺錢,第一件事是學識不要輸錢,只會在「贏面高過輸面」下才作投資決定。他的投資生涯中只買期權,從不買個別股,並要等到最極端的時機才入巿,相信寧可錯過,不可做錯,贏面就大。 採訪:李如虹

於1998年還是牛津精英的王澤基,一邊唸博士學位,一邊在當地瑞銀(UBS)做兼職。王澤基因主修經濟及工程數學,於是選擇了銷售債券,和按揭抵押證券(CDO)的定息產品(Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities)作為入台階。當年,這些投資產品仍十分冷門,但從事者年薪卻有5萬至6萬英鎊,加上1萬至2萬鎊分紅,羡煞不少年輕留學生。






就好像他只買期權,培養出等待的能耐,靜候最極端的環境下才入巿。他舉例說,以往曾在恒指低開11,000點買認購期權(Call Options),於3萬點高開買認沽期權(Put Options)。他說投資必須要有紀律,即寧可錯過,不可做錯,贏面就大。




現時的市況確實難搞,成交萎縮,市場信心薄弱。過了4月,又有人會提「五窮六絕」、Sell in May等講法,現階段惟有捱住先,等待市場出現轉勢的一刻。

今次的跌浪,最奇怪的一個訊號,就是期指未平倉合約持續收縮,但又未見期權方面出現顯著的加倉。另一方面,牛熊證的成交及街貨量,亦較過往為少,完全睇不到衍生工具市場的手影。前日只見到於21600 put加1,716張,但22000 put減1,272張,理論上是22000 put食糊,但會是轉去21600 put長倉定短倉,則未可確定。既然未睇得通,還是不變應萬變為上。

南韓重拳 刺激經濟

南韓已經連續七季經濟增長不足 1%,政府 3 月已明言,將推出刺激經濟措施,還向央行施壓,要求央行減息及購買更多國債。南韓央行至今雖然未見甚麼重大動作,但政府照樣推出總值 154 億美元的方案,致力挽救深受日本威脅的經濟。

僅次於 98 年亞洲金融風暴及 08 年金融危機,南韓政府祭出歷來第三大規模的刺激方案,說明今次經濟危機,足以媲美對上兩次危機。相比之下,日本採用貨幣政策手段,南韓政府則透過擴張財政政策,增加 17.3 萬億韓圜(約 154 億美元)補充預算,希望推動今年經濟增長 0.3 個百分點至 3.3%。

由於經濟增速緩慢,稅收比預期少 6 萬億韓圜,南韓政府推遲出售兩間國營銀行的股權,亦令庫房收入減少。南韓政府打算在補充預算中撥出 12 萬億韓圜用來填補收入缺口;振興經濟方面,實際可用預算為 5.3 萬億韓圜,主要用於支援中小型出口商、資助創業,增聘公務員等,冀創造 4 萬個就業職位。當然少不了的是,增加基建工程的投資。

南韓政府指,刺激方案的資金乃透過增加發債及調整國債回購計劃所得。增加預算後, 南韓政府今年的財赤相對GDP的水平將會由 0.3% 上升至 1.8%;債務相對 GDP 則將由 34.8% 上升至 36.2%。在已發展國家的水平而言,尚算健康。

以往南韓的經濟政策側向大企業,三星、現代等富可敵國的企業,一直是南韓經濟之柱。不過,金融危機後,縱使大型企業的生產率、市場佔有率皆有所提升,但他們於南韓國內的雇用比例卻由 18% 降至 12%。相反,中小型製造業更能提升就業率,對經濟的貢獻更大。南韓新總統樸槿惠早前已表示,要幫助中小企成為推動經濟成長的重要一環。

日本透過壓低匯率來提升出口競爭力,受多方指責,痛罵聲中少不了南韓聲音。日圓貶值,使各出口國的製造業雪上加霜。由於南韓主要產業又與日本相近,有分析指,萬一日圓貶值至 1 美元兌 100 日圓水平,將令南韓的半導體、鋼鐵、石化、機械、通訊及汽車等行業步入衰退。 所以,南韓政府要及早落藥。

南韓政府近期連環出招,2 月樓市交投減少 14%,創七年新低,首爾樓價亦跌至 08 年低位,迫使政府於 4 月初推出買屋減稅優惠,更額外動用國家基金約 2 萬億韓圜,助國民融資租樓、買樓,為處於一潭死水的樓市製造一點漣漪。央行上周又降低貸款息率,同時把銀行低息貸款規模上限, 由9萬億韓圜上調至 12 萬億韓圜,鼓勵企業融資。這套「先救樓市,繼而助企業融資,現在更出動大規模擴張式財政政策」的大計,無非為安撫民心,鞏固新政府的威信。對經濟果效是否如此顯著?且拭目以待。

商品大跌 鴿派佳音

金價大跌,不僅投資者損手,連持有大量黃金儲備的各大小央行亦無一倖免。世界黃金協會估計,全球央行持有的黃金儲備總值,今年已經累計蒸發掉 5,600 億美元,折合約 43,680 億港元。
央行雖然因為金價大跌令儲備價值萎縮,但某些央行官員反而因為商品價格大跌而感到無比欣慰,尤其是那些一直主張繼續無限 QE(量寬),但又不斷遭各方以通脹威脅逼近為由責難的央行官員。今回這群「超級鴿」終於可以吐氣揚眉了。
當市場開始相信全球暫無通脹威脅,主張繼續寬鬆政策的央行鴿派,自然有大條道理堅持不退市。本周四、五,華盛頓將一連兩日召開 G20 財長與央行行長會議,美、英、歐、日四大央行本來是眾矢之的,被指濫印銀紙,在全球製造資產泡沫與通脹。碰巧商品價格全線向下,大大紓緩了通脹壓力,已令有關指控化解於無形。
當市場的通脹預期回落,四大央行今後將更肆無忌憚加碼「放水」,無限 QE、QE 無限相信仍會繼續。美、英、歐、日央行借故重新加碼量寬只是時間問題,如此,就算經濟基本因素轉差,股市仍有條件繼續向好。
其實,市場資金正持續由黃金市場流向股市。據估計,今年淨流出黃金基金的資金合共 112 億美元,而同期淨流入股票基金的資金則達到 212.5 億美元。這反映了投資者的某種特殊心態:既然通脹一直未有出現,投資黃金以對抗通脹的作用開始減退,倒不如為手頭資金追逐較高回報。投資股票既可博取升值,又可賺取股息,成為了近期美股表現欲罷不能的一大支持因素。










商品市場的弱勢擴散到股市,美股標普500指數已從高位回落3.5%,有不少美股交易員擔心調整的勢頭終於開始,由於銅、鋁、鎳已是一年低位,相關商品股自然無運行,Freeport-McMoRan, Cliffs Natural Resources, Peabody Energy,美鋼全部在一年低位。除此之外,己有一堆相對弱的股份插完再插,蘋果跌穿400美元,低見393美元,也是一年低位(比去年9月高位705美元跌了44%),重機股Captepillar是去年7月以來低位,業績唔好的美銀今年股價也開始見紅。我怕是弱股先跌,慢慢擴散到強股去。



舉例說,依靠澳洲鐵礦「食胡」的中信泰富( 267)和中國鋁業( 2600)等資源類企業首當其衝,因為商品價格走下坡,被迫平賣產品。另邊廂,本倉很多成分股優先受惠,特別是工業股,如葉氏化工、德昌電機和偉易達。


Friday, April 19, 2013



养殖的罗非鱼只含只有中等量的omega-3(ωs-3脂肪酸),相比之下使得它没有富含 omega-3的鱼类,如三纹鱼,金枪鱼,或鳟鱼那么更有利于心脏健康。














如果你要吃生鱼片,美国农业部建议使用商业的鱼冻结标准:华氏零下10度 7天或者华氏零下31度 15小时。









研究:84%鱼类汞含量达危险水平 不能多

缅因州“生物多样性研究中心”(Biodiversity Research Institute,BRI)的调查发现,84%的鱼类汞含量超标。这对人类健康造成威胁,超过了某些鱼类每月不可食用超过一次的规定。


IMAX电影公司执行长理查德‧格尔丰德(Richard Gelfond)认为自己充满运动细胞,直到有一天,发生了非常严重的问题。他说:“我去作跑步时,感觉我即将摔倒,似乎我不能平衡。”





国家资源保护委员会(NRDC)的成员格里尔(Linda Greer)说:“我们在美国吃的鱼,75%是进口的。”




Sunday, April 14, 2013














有人认为是金融改革的副产品。为了改革金融系统,央行实际投放了大量的基础货币。2003年,中央汇金公司正式向中国银行[0.34% 资金 研报]和建设银行[0.21% 资金 研报]各注资225亿美元,拉开了新一轮银行改革。这两家银行拿了450亿美元以后转手向国家结汇,等于人民银行又把450亿美元拿回来了,这就是相当于直接投放了450*8=3600亿人民币的基础货币。此外,为了处理这两家银行的不良资产(次级和损失类贷款),四大资产管理公司从两家银行购买了本金大约1289亿(建设银行)+1500亿(中国银行)=2789亿不良资产,央行按照贷款本金50%发行专项票据约1400亿协助银行处理不良资产,这实际上也是货币投放。其实这还没有完,央行发行票据210亿元偿付建设银行因托管一家信托投资公司产生的代垫款项,央行发行181亿票据置换中国银行的一些特殊资产。这样央行为了帮助这两家银行共支付了5391亿,相当于间接投放了这么多货币。而后来的工商银行[-0.25% 资金 研报]、农业银行[0.37% 资金 研报]、城市商业银行和农村信用社的改革同样遵循此逻辑展开,又释放高达15000亿元左右的基础货币。也就是说,为了国家的金融改革,央行实际上大概发行了约2万亿的基础货币。








中国被指全球最大印钞机 去年新增货币占全球近一半




考察一国的印钞额,国际上一般采用M2指标来度量。M2是指“广义货币”,是货币供应量的重要指标之一,国际上M2的计算公式是 “流通中的现金+支票存款+储蓄存款+政府债券”。M2不仅反映现实的购买力(现金+支票存款),还反映潜在的购买力(储蓄存款+政府债券).




中国被指全球最大印钞机 去年新增货币占全球近一半



值得注意的是,尽管全球2012年新增货币量再度创新高,但事实上,多数国家在新增货币供应量上比2011年有所控制。21世纪网数据部统计,美国2011年新增8713亿美元M2,2012年新增M2下滑12.17%至7653亿美元;日本2011年新增25.3万亿日元M2,2012年新增21.6万亿日元M2,下滑速度达 16.19%,更甚于美国。


中国被指全球最大印钞机 去年新增货币占全球近一半(2)

中国被指全球最大印钞机 去年新增货币占全球近一半(3)
中国被指全球最大印钞机 去年新增货币占全球近一半(3)

相比其他国家,中国的货币化速度也过快。根据世界银行的M2/GDP数据显示,美国货币化走势曲折向下,巴西、俄罗斯这些新兴经济体虽然总体趋势向上,但也不如中国货币化率走势陡峭。同花顺[-0.54% 资金 研报]数据显示,M2/GDP从1978年的0.32增长到2012年的1.88,在34年间扩大了近6倍。
汹涌的货币总要找到出路口。2012年中国央行已采取稳健的货币政策。即使在CPI下降过程中,央行几次意外地没有采取降息、降准行动。2012年末, M2同比增长13.8%,低于2012年央行制定的14%目标。但现实看来,此前流动性泛滥加之超预期宽松货币政策影响下,2013年的通胀风险仍在不断提升,这也增加物价调控的难度。

Wednesday, April 10, 2013











美企下周開始公佈第1季業績。市場普遍預期美企今年第1季表現麻麻,不過分析普遍認為對大市影響未必好大,原因係市場對美企盈利預期相對調低,甚至可能因此會出現好多驚喜。TD Ameritrade Holding公司首席衍生品策略基納翰(Joe Kinahan)表示,「企業CEO們已經一再下調盈利預期,盡管超出預期的不一定會得到獎勵,但他們的股票不至於潰敗。」而ING Investment Management公司主管澤姆斯基(Paul Zemsky) 則認為,「人們對企業財報前景的預期非常悲觀,但美國經濟增長率可能會高於2%,那將足夠促進企業盈利增長。」

美國經濟會唔會超過2%增長,有「債券大王」之稱的格羅斯(Bill Gross)就無咁樂觀,他日前表示,美國3月份新增就業人數少於預期,而且,勞動力規模縮小,對推動失業率下降的力量跌至四年以來低點。美國經濟可能會從能源與住宅行業前景好轉當中受益,但這些行業的影響最多只限於一兩個季度,「雖然太陽還沒有落山,但確實已近黃昏」,估計今年的經濟增長率也不會超過2%。


私人部門投資需求不足,就由央行印鈔補到夠,先有美國聯儲局,再有日本央行,格羅斯形容這些大泵水行為是「貨幣紅牛」(Monetary Red Bull),佢唔係講緊紅色的牛市,而係所謂能量飲品「紅牛」,大家都知呢係有咖啡因的刺激性飲品,唔夠精神飲佢來提神,但係就無補於虛弱的身子。但呢「貨幣紅牛」可以推動股市大升,金融市場期待東洋口味的紅牛而歡慶中,但信貸猛增、過量流動性正添加環球經濟的「殭屍性」。



Monday, April 8, 2013



資金湧日 中資股失血 

YZJ new contracts

" Another China’s large private-owned Yangzijiang Shipbuilding is said to have won a $170m worth of jack-up drilling rig from a Malaysian shipowner at the end of last year, entering offshore sector for the first time and to top it off, Yangzijiang signed a preliminary agreement for one jack-up drilling rig with Qatar Investment Corporation. " 

Qatar Investment corporation agreement news seems haven't release yet.

Also, sources said the shipowner secures additional options for four of same size at the yard.
Frontline 2012 is aggressively investing in newbuilding capesize fleet and has placed most of orders at Chinese shipyards, such as SWS, DSIC, and Yangzijiang Shipbuilding. If the owner firms up options and those signed by LOI, then it would have a total of 32 capesize bulkers on order.

Both news are last two days and seems more order will be seeing soon.

New Yangzi Pens Kamsarmax

China's privately-owned shipyard Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding has won a newbuilding order to build up to five kamsarmax bulkers from Callimanopulos group.
An official from the Greek owner said the company recently placed an order for firm three 82,000-dwt bulkers and additional options for one plus one units.
The firm newbuildings are to be delivered in August and October of 2015 and January 2016 respectively.
Callimanopulos did not disclosed the price, while industry player estimated the ship to value around $26m apiece.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) Ltd


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Olivia Ballroom,Level 4, Raffles City Convention Centre, 80 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189560 on Friday, 26 April 2013 at 2.30 p.m. to transact the following business:–


1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 and the Directors’ Reports and the Auditors’ Report thereon. (Resolution 1)

2. To declare a tax exempt (one-tier) final dividend of S$0.05 per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2012. (Resolution 2)

3. To approve the proposed Directors’ fees of S$90,000 for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 (2011: S$90,000). (Resolution 3)

4. To record the retirement of Mr Teo Moh Gin as Director of the Company pursuant to Article 94 of the Articles of Association of the Company who will not be seeking for re-election.

5. To re-appoint Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. (Resolution 4)


To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following Ordinary resolutions, with or without modifications:


“That pursuant to Section 161 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 and the listing rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), authority be and is hereby given to the Directors of the Company to:

(a) (i) issue ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (“Shares”) whether by way of rights, bonus or otherwise; and/or

(ii) make or grant offers, agreements or options (collectively, “Instruments”) that might or would require Shares to be issued, including but not limited to the creation and issue of (as well as adjustments to) warrants, debentures or other instruments convertible into Shares, at any time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes and to such persons as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit; and

(b) issue Shares in pursuance of any Instruments made or granted by the Directors while such authority was in force (notwithstanding that such issue of Shares pursuant to the Instruments may occur after the expiration of the authority contained in this resolution).

provided that:

(1) the aggregate number of the Shares to be issued pursuant to such authority (including the Shares to be issued in pursuance of Instruments made or granted pursuant to such authority), does not exceed 50% of the total number of issued Shares (as calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) below), and provided further that where shareholders of the Company (“Shareholders”) are not given the opportunity to participate in the same on a pro-rata basis (“non pro-rata basis”), then the Shares to be issued under such circumstances (including the Shares to be issued in pursuance of Instruments made or granted pursuant to such authority) shall not exceed 20% of the total number of issued Shares (as calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) below);

(2) (subject to such manner of calculation as may be prescribed by the SGX-ST) for the purpose of determining the aggregate number of the Shares that may be issued under paragraph (1) above, the total number of issued Shares shall be based on the issued Shares of the Company (excluding treasury shares) at the time such authority was conferred, after adjusting for:

(a) new Shares arising from the conversion or exercise of any convertible securities;

(b) new Shares arising from the exercising share options or the vesting of share awards which are outstanding or subsisting at the time such authority was conferred; and

(c) any subsequent consolidation or subdivision of the Shares; and, in relation to an Instrument, the number of Shares shall be taken to be that number as would have been issued had the rights therein been fully exercised or effected on the date of the making or granting of the Instrument;

(3) in exercising the authority conferred by this Resolution, the Company shall comply with the requirements imposed by the SGX-ST from time to time and the provisions of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST for the time being in force (in each case, unless such compliance has been waived by the SGX-ST), all applicable legal requirements under the Companies Act and otherwise, and the Articles of Association of the Company for the time being; and

(4) (unless revoked or varied by the Company in a general meeting) the authority so conferred shall continue in force until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company or the date by which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is required by law to be held, whichever is earlier.” (Resolution 5)



(a) the exercise by the Directors of the Company of all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire issued Ordinary Shares not exceeding in aggregate the Maximum Limit (as hereafter defined), at such price or prices as may be determined by the Directors of the Company from time to time up to the Maximum Price (as hereafter defined), whether by way of:

(i) market purchase(s) on the SGX-ST; and/or

(ii) off-market purchase(s) (if effected otherwise than on the SGX-ST) in accordance with any equal access scheme(s) as may be determined or formulated by the Directors of the Company as they consider fit, which scheme(s) shall satisfy all the conditions prescribed by the Companies Act; and otherwise in accordance with all other laws and regulations and rules of the SGX-ST as may for the time being be applicable, be and is hereby authorised and approved generally and unconditionally (the “Share Purchase Mandate”),

(b) unless varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting, the authority conferred on the Directors of the Company pursuant to the Share Purchase Mandate may be exercised by the Directors of the Company at any time and from time to time during the period commencing from the date of the passing of this Resolution and expiring on the earlier of:

(i) the date on which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is held; or

(ii) the date by which the next Annual General Meeting of the Company is required by law to be held; or

(iii) the date on which the purchases or acquisitions of the Shares pursuant to Share Purchase Mandate are carried out to the full extent mandated.

(c) in this Resolution:

“Maximum Limit” means that number of issued Ordinary Shares representing 10% of the total number of the issued Ordinary Shares as at the date of the passing of this Resolution (excluding any Ordinary Shares which are held as treasury shares as at that date); “Maximum Price”, in relation to an Ordinary Share to be purchased or acquired, means the purchase price (excluding brokerage, commission, applicable goods and services tax and other related expenses) which shall not exceed:–

(i) in the case of a Market Purchase, 105% of the Average Closing Price (as defined hereinafter); and

(ii) in the case of an Off-Market Purchase, 120% of Average Closing Price (as defined hereinafter), pursuant to an equal access scheme; “Average Closing Price” means the average of the closing market prices of a Share for the five consecutive Market Days on which the Shares are transacted on the SGX-ST immediately preceding the date of Market Purchase by the Company or, as the case may be, the date of the making of the offer pursuant to the Off-Market Purchase, and deemed to be adjusted in accordance with the Listing Rules for any corporate action which occurs after the relevant five Market Days; “date of the making of the offer” means the date on which the Company announces its intention to make an offer for an Off-Market Purchase, stating therein the purchase price (which shall not be more than the Maximum Price for an Off-Market Purchase calculated on the foregoing basis) for each Share and the relevant terms of the equal access scheme for effecting the Off-Market Purchase;

(d) the Directors of the Company and/or any of them be and are hereby authorised to complete and do all such acts and things (including executing such documents as may be required) as they and/ or he may consider expedient or necessary to give effect to the transactions contemplated and/or authorised by this Resolution.” (Resolution 6)

8. To transact any other business which may be properly transacted at an Annual General Meeting.

By Order of the Board

Pan Mi Keay
Company Secretary
28 March 2013


The effects of the resolutions under the heading “Ordinary Business” and “Special Business” in this Notice
of Annual General Meeting are:

(a) The proposed ordinary resolution 5 if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company from the date of the above meeting to issue shares in the Company up to an amount not exceeding in total 50% of the total number of issued shares in the capital of the Company with a sub-limit of 20% other than on a pro-rata basis to shareholders for the time being for such purposes as they consider would be in the interest of the Company. The authority will, unless previously revoked or varied at a general meeting, expire at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.

(b) The proposed ordinary resolution 6 if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company from the date of the above meeting until the date of the next Annual General Meeting to purchase or acquire up to 10% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company as at the date of the passing of this Resolution. Details of the proposed Share Purchase Mandate are set out in the Appendix I to the Notice of the above meeting.

(i) As at the date of this Notice, the Company has not purchased any share by way of market acquisition
for cancellation.

(ii) The amount of financing required for the Company to further purchase or acquire its shares, and the impact on the Company’s financial position, cannot be ascertained as at the date of this Notice as this will depend on the number of the shares purchased or acquired and the price at which such shares were purchased or acquired.

(iii) The financial effects of the purchase or acquisition of shares by the Company pursuant to the proposed Share Purchase Mandate on the Group’s audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 are set out in Appendix I to the Notice of the above meeting and are for illustration only.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Weis Wave Plugin

The Weis Wave Plugin stands head and shoulders above anything currently available to the trading community. I have been trading for 25 years and have used the Weis Wave for the past three. With its unique wave volume, the Weis Wave helps traders recognize turning points. —Alfred T., Austria

I have to tell you that your Weis Wave has been EXTREMELY useful!

I’ve been trading for a living for over 15 years now… this tool you have provided has made things much clearer to me. —T.K.

The Weis Wave Plugin is the end product of 30 years work to find the most accurate portrayal of volume. The insights gained from this plugin are a great help in anticipating trend changes of varying degree.

Anyone who has watched intraday price movement knows it unfolds in a series of buying and selling waves—a process of building up and tearing down. Prices do not unfold in bundles of equal time. When the natural movement of prices is bound by time, the trend still remains visible. Volume, however, does not fare so well. Subdividing volume into time periods obscures the true force of the buying and selling. The Weis Wave Plugin creates wave charts along with their corresponding wave volume.

Wave charts were first created by Richard D. Wyckoff. In his famous course on stock market technique, he instructed students to “think in waves.” Wave analysis was an integral part of his trading method. The Weis Wave is an adaptation of Wyckoff’s method that handles today’s volatile markets. It works in all time periods and can be applied to the futures, forex, stock, and commodity markets. You will be amazed at how well the Weis Waveidentifies turning points. Many of these same turning points are not obvious on conventional bar charts. Take a look at the daily stock chart of AEM:
Moving from left to right, the first arrow refers to a two day up-wave that ends on July 18. The cumulative volume equals 2.5 million shares. It stands out as a low volume test of the previous up-wave. On the sell-off from this high, the wave volume exceeds all preceding volumes either up or down. Notice the daily volumes do not show such a change in behavior. The third arrow points to a minute, one-day rally with wave volume of 1.75 million shares, the lowest since June 27. It shouts out NO DEMAND. Prices fall about $9 in the next three days and the fourth arrow points to the climactic action.

Notice the next up-wave. It is propelled by the heaviest up-wave volume to date. Here, for the first time, demand appears. This message does not stand out with such clarity on the volume histogram. The last arrow points to the August 4 low made on a one-day decline. Daily volume and wave volume are the same. Yet in the context of the preceding down-waves, the wave volume is very low. Of the three highlighted down-waves, it has the smallest volume and says supply is spent.

Many of the trades made with the Weis Wave involve pullbacks. For example, when price falls on heavy volume, this is a bearish change in behavior. If the wave volume on the next pullback diminishes sharply, a short trade is established with a close protective stop. This is the case on the September S&P chart where price falls on 110k volume shortly after 13:00. This is the heaviest volume in several hours. The relatively weak volume on the pullback reflects lack of demand. A great short trade unfolded from this high. The five-minute volume reveals none of this information. After the decline below 1100 around 14:45, the next up-wave draws out 229k contracts, an overtly bullish change in behavior. On the next pullback, volume shrinks to 63k, a sign the selling pressure has dried up. The rally from this low hit 1170 on the close!
Weis Wave works equally well on Forex charts. The setup on the Euro 5-minute chart is classic. It begins with heavy selling on the decline to the 9:50 a.m. low. After a failed attempt to renew the uptrend, the Euro falls on even larger volume. This is the bearish change in behavior. It is followed by two small, low volume up-waves that can be used to establish short positions. The combination of a bullish or bearish change in behavior followed by a low-volume pullback produces a multitude of trades. Suddenly, you can trade like a counter-puncher.

S&P Chart

S&P Chart
The intraday volatility in the E-S&P makes it a favorite among day traders. Some of the best wave volume setups appear in this contract. Wednesday, July 13 created a number of such trading opportunities. On the 5-minute bar chart of the September ‘11 contract, a .75-point wave is included. In the middle of the chart, I have copied Wyckoff’s statement on how to recognize intraday changes in trend. They are central to reading the wave chart and volume. Within the uptrend on the left-hand side of the chart, you can readily see how the wave lengths and wave volumes diminish as prices move higher. At the top of the third upwave—where the thrust shortens, the wave length decreases in size and the wave volume drops—short positions should have been established. The first downwave from this high draws out massive supply—the heaviest of the day. On the subsequent two rallies, demand evaporated thus offering additional entry points for new shorts. The second of these two upwaves consists of only one 5-minute bar. Without the bearish picture of the wave volume, the strong close on that bar might have caused some traders to close out short positions. Because the waves filter price data, they are not as ephemeral as the price bars. Supply is dominant throughout the rest of the session.

Caterpillar Chart

Caterpillar Chart
On the daily CAT chart, the wave volume shows how the selling gradually slackens as prices decline to the June low. The bar chart shows the shortening of the downward thrust near the bottom of the price channel. Below the price chart you first see the cumulative wave volume and then the actual, daily volume.

In the week of June 20, the actual volumes all look the same. They look like the tree line on the horizon, a phenomenon typical of many stock charts. The wave volume gives a truer picture of the reduced selling pressure at the low. Notice the leap in wave volume on the first upwave off the low. It reflects aggressive demand and leads to a nice 10% profit.

Because the daily prices are visible, the chart reader can combine the message of the wave volume with the length of the bars and the position of the close—a powerful combination.






Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why is Elliott Wave so Useful?

The most accurate method of forecasting

The first time I came into contact with Elliott Wave was in my first seminar on technical analysis by a U.K. analyst. After the two day introductory course to analysis I returned to my trading room full of enthusiasm, armed with all the patterns and techniques this guru had imparted upon the fledgling analysts, ready to take the market by storm.

However, he clearly he didn't think very much about the principal since his only comment was "wave bye-bye to Elliott Wave."

So what did I have left?
Golden crosses and dead crosses. Tried those - they were almost 100% the opposite of what he taught.
Overbought & oversold momentum. Well good but they don't tell you where price is going and perform so badly in a trend.
Reversal patterns and continuation patterns. Well they didn't happen that frequently and what were you meant to do in the meantime? My traders wanted to know where price was going to go.

I began to read more. Ah! Fibonacci! 38.2% and 61.8% - wow they worked really well… I thought I found the secret elixir to the fountain of profits… Then they suddenly didn't work.

Desperate for clues I read other analysts' commentary on the data vendor platforms. Some provided anemic comments while others actually forecast exact targets and how it would reach there. Some were ok, some were bad (but enthusiastic) and some were actually pretty good. This fascinated me. Who were these guys that were actually forecasting where price would go? How did they do that? The answer was Elliott Wave and it was these services that actually provided real information and had the greatest rate of success.

So I decided to read about Elliott Wave and tried to teach myself. Of course I didn't tell my guru - I didn't want to incur his wrath.

I can guess what some of you are thinking, "yeah, yeah, 12345 ABC." Well basically, yes. But it is a lot more. I bought a couple of books, devoured them and went to my charts to decipher and scribble numbers and letters all over them. It wasn't as easy as the books made them out to be. It was a struggle trying to decide where waves started and ended and how far they would move and I did give up for a period but the problem was that nothing else really gave true forecasting techniques.

So I persisted. I did my analysis and I read other banks' forecasts and tried to work out why they were right - or indeed, why they were wrong. I have to say it took me around 18 months before I felt comfortable using the principal to forecast, and even then it was still a little hit & miss.

As with any form of analysis there are good points about Elliott Wave and there are bad points.

The bad points are:
The counting of waves can be very subjective. There is a common joke that says: "Place 5 Ellioticians in a room with 1 chart for one hour and they'll come out with 20 different wave counts". True…
The development of individual waves can vary dramatically
The experience required to recognize the type of variation takes a good few years and a great deal of patience to acquire
Sometimes waves are impossible to recognize
Filtering wave counts to obtain the most likely ones can be difficult
Elliott's description of the wave structure is actually incorrect for Foreign Exchange - a fact that took me many years to realize
Once you start using the principal it is impossible to look at a chart without counting waves…
It can cause you to make incredibly inaccurate forecasts if not utilized properly. (I recall one analyst that called USDDEM higher from 1.72 to 2.46 and 3.46… it actually went down to 1.44…)

Against that the good points are:
Elliott Wave can predict market moves to the point at times - nothing else can
Waves are related and thus you can use Fibonacci relationships to recognize waves, where they started and where they have greatest chance of ending
It tells you how a move will occur. This is vital
It will warn you that your wave count may be breaking down if the wave development doesn't go as planned
It is the only form of analysis (that I know of) that gives you an understanding of market behavior as if it is an extension of a living force
The principal helps an analyst/trader to understand the structure of a market from monthly charts down to 1 minute charts, a reflection of the fractal nature of markets.
It can provide incredibly easy trades from time to time just using basic guidelines

The biggest element to success with Elliott Wave, apart from several years of experience, is understanding how to filter your wave counts. The very best way is to understand the cyclical nature of the market forces. If the analyst who had predicted USDDEM to move higher to 2.46 and 3.46 had incorporated cyclic analysis he would have seen that the major cyclic pressure was still lower. That in itself will keep you closer to the right count. Cycles have assisted me in recognizing direction to moves and when they should reverse - which combined with Fibonacci projections to structures can allow precise forecasting.

Momentum analysis can help you recognize when the pattern you have been following is breaking down and become more complex. Even a basic guidelines that the last Wave B will provide approximate support or resistance on retest can produce excellent trading opportunities.

So now what are you waiting for? Go pick up a book on the Principal but remember nothing is easy in this market and it will take time and dedication. If there was a simple solution then everyone would use it. If everyone used it, then it probably wouldn't work so well…

Wyckoff Market Analysis

Richard D. Wyckoff, a perpetual stock market student, was a great trader and a pioneer of technical analysis. Based on his theories, studies and real life experiences, Wyckoff developed a trading methodology that has stood the test of time. Wyckoff started with a broad market assessment and then drilled down to find stocks with the most profit potential. This article, the first of two, details Wyckoff's approach to broad market analysis. It is important to understand the broad market trend and the position within this trend before selecting individual stocks. The second article shows how Wyckoff selected stocks to buy and sell. This second article will be posted by the end of February 2012.

Richard Wyckoff began his Wall Street career in 1888 as a runner scurrying back and forth between firms with documents. As with Jesse Livermore in the bucket shops, Wyckoff learned to trade by watching the action first hand. His first trade occurred in 1897 when he bought one share of St. Louis & San Francisco common stock. After successfully trading his own account several years, he opened a brokerage house and started publishing research in 1909. The Magazine of Wall Street was one of the first, and most successful, newsletters of the time. As an active trader and analyst in the early 1900s, his career coincided with other Wall Street greats including Jesse Livermore, Charles Dow and JP Morgan. May have called this the "golden age of technical analysis". As his stature grew, Wyckoff published two books on his methodology: Studies in Tape Reading (1910) and How I Trade and Invest in Stocks and Bonds (1924). In 1931, Wyckoff published a correspondence course detailing the methodology he developed over his illustrious career.

Two Rules
Wyckoff focused exclusively on price action. Earnings and other fundamental information were simply too esoteric and imprecise to be used effectively. Moreover, this information was usually already factored into the price by the time it became available to the average speculator. Before looking at the details, there are two rules to keep in mind. These rules come directly from the book, Charting the Stock Market: The Wyckoff Method, by Jack K. Hutson, David H. Weiss and Craig F. Schroeder.

Rule One: Don't expect the market to behave exactly the same way twice. The market is an artist, not a computer. It has a repertoire of basic behavior patterns that it subtly modifies, combines and springs unexpectedly on its audience. A trading market is an entity with a mind of its own.

Rule Two: Today's market behavior is significant only when it's compared to what the market did yesterday, last week, last month, even last year. There are no predetermined, never-fail levels where the market always changes. Everything the market does today must be compared to what it did before.

Instead of steadfast rules, Wyckoff advocated broad guidelines when analyzing the stock market. Nothing in the stock market is definitive. After all, stock prices are driven by human emotions. We cannot expect the exact same patterns to repeat over time. There will, however, be similar patterns or behaviors that astute chartists can profit from. Chartists should keep the following guidelines in mind and then apply their own judgments to develop a trading strategy.

Broad Market Trend
By definition, vast majority of stocks move in harmony with the broader market. Chartists, therefore, should first understand the direction and position of the broad market trend. With this in mind, Wyckoff developed a "wave chart", which was simply a composite average of five or more stocks. Note that Charles Dow developed the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Dow Jones Transportation Average around the same time. While the Dow Industrials is perhaps the most famous "wave chart", chartists today can choose among several indices to analyze the broad market. These include the S&P 500, the S&P 100, the Nasdaq, the NY Composite and the Russell 2000.

Wyckoff used the daily high, low and close to create a series of price bars and construct a classic bar chart. The objective was to determine the underlying trend for the broader market and identify the position within this trend. Trend is important because it tells us the path of least resistance for the majority of stocks. Position is important because it tells us the current location within this trend. For example, trend position helps chartists determine if the market is overbought or oversold to time buy and sell decisions.

There are three possible trends in action: up, down or flat. There are also three different timeframes: short-term, medium-term and long-term. For the purposes of this article, daily charts are used for the medium-term trend. An uptrend is present when the composite index forms a series of rising peaks and rising troughs. Conversely, a downtrend is present when the index forms a series of falling peaks and troughs. A series of equal troughs and equal peaks forms a trading range. Chartists must then wait for a break from this range to determine trend direction.

The charts above show examples of an uptrend and downtrend. Within the trend, prices can be positioned at oversold levels, overbought levels or somewhere in the middle of the trend. Trend position is important to determine the risk-reward ratio of a new position. Ideally, chartists should look for long positions when the trend is up and the index is oversold. This means a pullback or correction has occurred. The risk-reward ratio is less attractive if buying in an uptrend when prices are overbought. Similarly, the risk-reward ratio is less attractive if selling in a downtrend when an index is in an oversold position. It is best to establish a new short position when the index is either overbought within a downtrend or in the middle of this downtrend.
Major Tops and Bottoms
In between trending periods, the broad market indices form major tops and bottoms that reverse existing trends. Wyckoff noted that tops and bottoms were different. Market tops were often long draw out affairs, while market bottoms were relatively short violent beasts. Wyckoff identified specific characteristics some 100 years ago and these characteristics can still be seen in today's markets.

Bear markets often end with a selling climax or spring, which is a failed support break. First, the major stock index is in a downtrend because it has been moving lower for an extended period. Sentiment is quite negative and many investors are thoroughly discouraged with their mounting losses. At some point, discouraged investors finally throw in the towel and unload their stocks. Prices fall sharply and often break a key support level. Prices appear to be in a free fall at this stage, but the "smart" money is waiting in the wings. Smart money buying pressure suddenly reverses the free fall and prices surge to close well above their lows.
Wyckoff  -  Chart 1

Wyckoff used volume to confirm the validity of a reversal, breakout or trend. A selling climax or spring should be accompanied by an increase in volume to show expanding participation. It is important that big money (i.e. institutions) support a market move for it to have staying power. Low volume suggests limited participation and increases the chances of failure.

The example above shows a high volume selling climax and spring in early October 2011. Notice how the S&P 500 broke support as selling pressure pushed prices below 1100. Prices dipped below 1080 intraday, but buyers stepped in and pushed the index back above 1120 by the close. The support break did not hold and the selling climax occurred on high volume. This bullish signal was enough to carry the S&P 500 above its late August high by the end of October.

As noted above, market tops are different than market bottoms. Tops often form with an extended period of sideways price movement, which is a consolidation. This is known as a distribution period where the smart money (institutions) distributes shares to the dumb money (public). In other words, the smart money sells their shares to the dumb money just before the market breaks down.

On the price chart, the market top is often not clear until the second half of the pattern unfolds. This often involves a failed breakout or a failure at resistance. This is not so negative at the time, but prices then return all the way to support. Such a sharp decline reflects a marked increase in selling pressure. There is then some sort of bounce off support that forms a lower peak, which shows diminished buying pressure. At this point, the charts shows an increase in selling pressure on the support test and a decrease in buying pressure on the subsequent bounce. The reversal is completed with a final support break on increasing volume.
Wyckoff  -  Chart 2

The example above shows the Dow Industrials with a peak in 2007. Notice how prices moved sideways for around seven months. There are five points on this chart to define the topping process. The first point, which occurred in the second half of the pattern, shows the Dow failing to hold above its prior peak. There is nothing bearish about this failed breakout until prices decline all the way back to the August trough. This is the first sign that selling pressure (supply) is increasing. Prices bounce off support, but a lower peak forms in early December. This is the first signal that buying pressure (demand) is diminishing. An increase in selling pressure and decrease in buying pressure combine to mark an important top that is confirmed when prices break support with a sharp decline in January 2008. Wyckoff used volume to confirm price movements. Notice how volume on down days exceeded volume on up days in October and November as prices declined to support. This showed an increase in selling pressure that validated the support break.
Price Projections
Once a market top and bottom or bottom took shape, Wyckoff turned to figure charts to calculate price projections. Figure charts later evolved into Point & Figure charts. In general, Wyckoff based his price projections on the width of the pattern. The wider the pattern, the higher the ultimate price projection. In other words, a long base extending over ten P&F columns would project a relatively high target upon a breakout. Conversely, a narrow base covering just six columns would project a relatively low target. It is important to make sure the base is big enough and the breakout robust enough to assure a high enough price target. The converse is true for market tops. An extended top covering over ten P&F columns would project a much deeper decline than a narrow top extending less than ten columns.
Wyckoff based his projections on the width of the entire topping pattern. As with most technical analysis, the width of the pattern can be subjective. Wyckoff like to look for the row with the most filled boxes and count the entire width of this row, including the empty boxes. Chartists can employ this method or simply measure the entire width from start to finish. First, start by finding the key support break. Once the support break is found, extend a support line across the chart. Chartists can then identify the column leading into the pattern (start) and the column leading out (end). These two define the entire pattern. The example above shows the S&P 500 top in 2007 with the column count extending from November 2007 (red B) to January 2008 (red 1). Note that February starts with the red 2 and O-Column breaks support before this red 2 is printed. This is a long and extended top covering 34 columns. At 10 points per box on a 3-box reversal, the estimated decline is around 1020 points (34 x 3 x 10 = 1050). This amount is subtracted from the pattern peak for a downside target in the 520 area (1570 - 1020 = 550). The ultimate low in the S&P 500 was around 666 in March 2009.
The second chart shows the S&P 500 bottom in 2009 with two bottoming patterns. Notice that there are two breakouts: one in May (red 5) and another in July (red 7). Both patterns share the same low point (670). Based on the resistance break, the smaller pattern extends 20 columns, which is from the entry column to the exit column. Based on 10 points per box and a 3-box reversal setting, the projected advance would be 600 points (20 x 10 x 3 = 600) and the target would be around 1270 (670 + 600 = 1270). The second pattern is much bigger and extends some 42 columns for a projected advance of 1260 points (42 x 3 x 10). This targets a move to around 1930, which would be one heck of a bull market.

Even though Wyckoff used horizontal counts to make projections, he also cautioned against taking these projections too seriously. As noted above, nothing is definitive when it comes to the stock market and technical analysis. Chartists are given broad guidelines and must make their own judgments as price action unfolds. Some counts fall short of their targets, while some counts exceed their targets. You can read more on traditional P&F counting techniques in our ChartSchool.
Position in Trend
Before making a trading or investment decision, chartists need to know where the market is within its trend. Overbought markets are at risk of a pullback and positions taken with overbought conditions risks a significant drawdown. Similarly, the chances of a bounce are high when the market is oversold, even if the bigger trend is down. Selling short when market conditions are oversold can also result in a significant drawdown and adversely affect the risk-reward ratio.

Wyckoff notes that an uptrend starts with an accumulation phase and then enters a markup phase as prices move steadily higher. There are five possible buy points during the entire uptrend. First, aggressive players can buy on the spring or selling climax. This area offers the highest reward potential, but the risk of failure is above average because the downtrend has not yet reversed. The second buy point comes with the breakout above resistance, provided it is confirmed by expanding volume. Chartists missing the breakout buy point are sometimes given a second chance with a throwback to broken resistance, which turns into support.

Once the markup stage is fully under way, chartists must then rely on corrections, which can form as consolidations or pullbacks. Wyckoff referred to a flat consolidation within an uptrend as a re-accumulation phase. A break above consolidation resistance signals a continuation of the markup phase. In contrast to a consolidation, a pullback is a corrective decline that retraces a portion of the prior move. Chartists should look for support levels using trendlines, prior resistance breaks or prior consolidations. Alternatively, Wyckoff also looked for support or reversal signs when the correction retraced 50% of the last up leg.

A downtrend starts with a distribution phase and then enters a markdown phase as prices move steadily lower. Note that Wyckoff did not shy away from shorting the market. He looked for opportunities to make money on the way up and on the way down. As with the accumulation and markup phase, there are five potential selling points during this extended downtrend. First, a lower peak within a distribution pattern offers a chance to short the market before the actual support break and trend change. Such aggressive tactics offer the highest reward potential, but also risk failure because the downtrend has not officially started. The breakdown point is the second level to short the market, provided the support break is validated with expanding volume. After a breakdown and oversold conditions, there is sometimes a throwback to broken support, which turns into resistance. This offers players a second chance to partake in the support break.

Once the markdown phase begins in earnest, chartist should wait for flat consolidations or oversold bounces. Wyckoff referred to flat consolidations as re-distribution periods. A break below consolidation support signals a continuation of the markdown phase. In contrast to a consolidation, an oversold bounce is a corrective advance that retraces a portion of the prior decline. Chartists can look for resistance areas using trendlines, prior support levels or prior consolidations. Wyckoff also looked for resistance or reversal signs when the correction retraced 50% of the last down leg.
There are four key areas of the Wyckoff market method: trend identification, reversal patterns, price projections and trend position. Getting the trend correct is half the battle because the majority of stocks move in conjunction with the broad market trend. This trend continues until a major top or bottom pattern forms. Aggressive players can act before these reversal patterns are complete, but the existing trend does not officially reverse until price breaks a key support or resistance level on good volume. Once a top or bottom is complete, chartists can use a horizontal count method on P&F charts to project the length of the ensuing advance or decline. A trend is considered mature and ripe for a reversal once prices reach these target areas. Provided the trend has further room to run, chartists can then determine the position of prices within this trend to insure a healthy risk-reward ratio when taking positions. Chartists should avoid new long positions when the market is overbought and avoid new short positions when the market is oversold. As noted at the beginning, these are broad guidelines for interpreting market movements. The final judgment call is up to you.